A simple slideshow thing for Meteor. Supports multiple views per slideshow, fade/slide types and hammer.js support for slide type slideshows.
Here's how you use it:
- Install it.
meteor add krstffr:slidr
- Create a wrapper DOM element for your slideshow (or more than one if you fancy more views!)
- Place some slides inside the slidesshow(s) (can be whatever DOM elements you want).
- In meteor.rendered( fn ) (or wherever you see fit), put the initiation of the slideshow like this:
Template.exampleTemplate.rendered = function () {
var slideShowOptions = {
// Optional: How many ms should the auto slider be set to?
// Set to 0 for no auto slide
timer: 1500,
// Optional: Should the slideshow restart at the first element
// if the user clicks "next" at the last element?
carousel: true,
// Optional: Add a callback which will get called whenever the active
// slide updates in the view. If you have multiple view a function wrapped
// in a debounce is recommended!
slideCallback: _.debounce( function () {
console.log('A global slide callback, gets called whenever this slidr slides. Protip: debounce it to avoid multiple simultaneous calls!');
}, 50, true ),
// Holder of all your views. Will most often only contain one
// view object!
views: [{
// Set to the DOM wrapper element
wrapper: this.find('.slide-show'),
// Set to the DOM slides elements
slides: this.findAll('.slide-show .slide'),
// Optional: If you've created two next/prev buttons,
// set them using "controls"
controls: this.findAll('.slide-show .next-prev-btns'),
// Optional: Used for setting inactive classes for
// the control buttons when first/last items are active
// in a non carousel slideshow.
// In this example the inactive control button will get
// the class "next-prev-btns--inactive"
controlsBaseClass: 'next-prev-btns',
// Optional: How many slides should be visible at the
// same time?
simultaneousSlides: 2,
// Optional: Do you want the slideshow to automatically
// create "pagination" items? (1 2 3 4 which are clickable?)
pagination: {
// The type of pagination wrapper element
wrapper: 'ul',
// The pagination wrapper element CSS class
wrapperClass: 'ul-class',
// The type of pagination indicator element
indicators: 'li',
// The pagination indicator element CSS class
indicatorsClass: 'li-class',
// If you do not want the indicators to contain numbers,
// set your own text content here!
paginationContent: '•'
// Optional: Add a callback which will get called with this views
// viewoptions whenever the view gets updated.
slideCallback: function( viewOptions ) {
return console.log('This is a local slide callback, and this is the the wrapper element for this view: ', viewOptions.wrapper );
}, {
// Here's another slideshow view which is bound to the first one
// (this is good if you for example have text for your slideshow at
// some other place in relation to the images of your slideshow)
wrapper: this.find('.slide-show-2'),
slides: this.findAll('.slide-show-2 .slide'),
controls: this.findAll('.slide-show-2 .next-prev-btns'),
// If you want your slideshow to "slide" instead of "fadeIn"
// set fadeType to "slide"
// Remember to set the inner elements (slides) CSS to
// float: left; and display: block;
fadeType: 'slide',
// simultaneousSlides can also be a function, mainly used for returning
// reactive vars (so the number of simultaneousSlides will be reactive!)
// This value is tracked by a Tracker.autorun fn which should update any
// changes to the slideshow (based on simultaneousSlides()) in real time.
simultaneousSlides: function() {
return Session.get('simSlides');
pagination: {
wrapper: 'ul',
wrapperClass: 'ul-class',
indicators: 'li',
indicatorsClass: 'li-class',
// Optional: paginationContent can also be a function.
// This function takes a "slide" argument which is the slide DOM el
// which you can use inside the function to get some value out.
paginationContent: function ( slide ) {
return $(slide).text();
// Optional: If you want the pagination BEFORE the slides, just set
// paginationPlacement to 'before'
paginationPlacement: 'before'
// Here the slideshow is actually created!
var slideShow = new Slidr( slideShowOptions );
The HTML could look like this:
<template name="exampleTemplate">
<div class="slide-show">
<div class="slide">slide 1 view 1!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 2 view 1!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 3 view 1!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 4 view 1!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 5 view 1!</div>
<p class="next-prev-btns">Prev</p>
<p class="next-prev-btns">Next</p>
<div class="slide-show-2">
<div class="slide">slide 1 view 2!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 2 view 2!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 3 view 2!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 4 view 2!</div>
<div class="slide">slide 5 view 2!</div>
Now you should have a slideshow with two views!
- Currently all pagination items will contain 1, 2, 3 etc or a specific text the user sets. This should probably be more verstaile, for example: a,b,c etc.
- Create tests!
- Create better looking examples.
- Probably explain the "supports multiple views per slideshow" in more detail!