A simple Titanium module to create, extract and add to (since 0.1.20) Zip files. Requires Titanium SDK version 1.6.3 or above.
- Removed the automatic deletion of the zip file after extraction. Developer can do this themselves using Ti.FileSystem.deleteFile if they need to.
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var zipfile = require("zipfile");
The zipfile variable is a reference to the Module object.
Just run ./build.py
1.Download or build from source zipfile module.
2.Place zipfile-iphone-x.y.z.zip file to /Library/Application Support/Titanium and unzip it.
Register the zipfile module with your application by editing 'tiapp.xml' and adding the module:
<module version="0.1.20">zipfile</module>
//app.js: download zip from DropBox to Documents folder and extact file to Documents folder
// This loads the module for use in the JavaScript
var zipfile = require("zipfile");
var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title:'ZipFile test',
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.onload = function()
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory,'test.zip');
// NOTE: Since 1.7.0 the Filesystem has been changed to return a localhost url for properties such as applicationDataDirectory.
To fix this you can use :
var dataDir = Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory.slice(0,Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory.length - 1).replace('file://localhost','').replace(/%20/g,' ');
zipfile.extract(dataDir+'/test.zip', dataDir);
zipfile.extract(Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory+'/test.zip', Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory);
// This loads the module for use in the JavaScript.
var zipfile = require("zipfile");
var zip = zipfile.create("/path/to/zip/as/string.zip");
zip.addFile("/path/to/file/to/add/filename", "path/in/zip/filename");
// This loads the module for use in the JavaScript
var zipfile = require("zipfile");
var zip = zipfile.open("/path/to/zip/as/string.zip");
// This will return false if it does not exist. Now, add/update files to it
zip.addFile("/path/to/file/to/add/filename", "path/in/zip/filename");
Created by Gennadiy Potapov http://generalarcade.com Source : https://github.com/TermiT/ZipFile
Updated to Ti SDK 1.6.3 and deprecated fixes of minizip code by Kosso http://kosso.co.uk Forked Source : https://github.com/kosso/ZipFile
Based on ZipArchive: http://code.google.com/p/ziparchive/
MIT License