An example of a passing solution to the final phase of the JetBrains Academy Java Blockchain project.
This project is a command line application that simulates a running blockchain environment.
The application creates a thread pool of users that transfer random amounts of money to other users by adding transactions to be added to the blockchain. Users are given a starting amount of money to spend.
The application creates a thread pool of miners that take a group of transactions and attempt to find a nonce that satisfies the requirements necessary to add the transactions in a block to the blockchain. The miners are competing against each other to find the nonce. The winning miner is awarded money via a transaction on the blockchain.
A Blockchain Manager dynamically adjusts the solution complexity to keep blocks being added to the blockchain at the desired pace.
The application has several pause loops to keep the data flowing at a rate suitable for the automated tests to be happy. The solution complexity logic also has a maximum value specified to keep the miners from taking too long.
The relative directory structure was kept the same as the one used in my JetBrains Academy solution.
The program logs to a file called "blockchain.log" in your home folder.
Among other information, the logs have details about all the transactions that took place. They also show the final balances for all the users in the system. Each user starts with 100 money units. Miners are awarded 100 money units for each successfully added block.
The final phase of the project required the application to demonstrate the addition of 15 blocks to the blockchain. The application stops after 15 blocks.
The application can be started with the following command:
java blockchain.Main
Here is an example session:
Created by: Miner4
Miner4 gets 100 VC
Id: 1
Timestamp: 1678203184775
Magic number: 175429572
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
No transactions
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N was increased to 1
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 2
Timestamp: 1678203184792
Magic number: 460368399
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=2, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Sarah, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=3, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Nick, amount=9]
Transaction[transactionId=4, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner3, amount=6]
Transaction[transactionId=5, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner4, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=6, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Miner1, amount=3]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N was increased to 2
Created by: Miner5
Miner5 gets 100 VC
Id: 3
Timestamp: 1678203185218
Magic number: 164181169
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=17, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Miner1, amount=6]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N was increased to 3
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 4
Timestamp: 1678203185347
Magic number: 456737670
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=18, fromUserId=Miner5, toUserId=Miner1, amount=9]
Transaction[transactionId=19, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Miner5, amount=4]
Transaction[transactionId=20, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Miner1, amount=7]
Transaction[transactionId=21, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner2, amount=6]
Transaction[transactionId=22, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner3, amount=7]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N was increased to 4
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 5
Timestamp: 1678203185908
Magic number: 489632413
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=33, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner2, amount=1]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner4
Miner4 gets 100 VC
Id: 6
Timestamp: 1678203186155
Magic number: 856596222
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=34, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Miner4, amount=8]
Transaction[transactionId=40, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner2, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=41, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Miner1, amount=3]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner1
Miner1 gets 100 VC
Id: 7
Timestamp: 1678203186376
Magic number: 399012062
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=47, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Sarah, amount=3]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner1
Miner1 gets 100 VC
Id: 8
Timestamp: 1678203186704
Magic number: 189731053
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=48, fromUserId=Miner5, toUserId=Miner1, amount=3]
Transaction[transactionId=49, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Miner2, amount=9]
Transaction[transactionId=50, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Nick, amount=1]
Transaction[transactionId=51, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner1, amount=5]
Transaction[transactionId=52, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner2, amount=6]
Transaction[transactionId=53, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Sarah, amount=2]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner2
Miner2 gets 100 VC
Id: 9
Timestamp: 1678203187771
Magic number: 882537015
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=64, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner3, amount=7]
Transaction[transactionId=65, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Miner1, amount=4]
Transaction[transactionId=66, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Miner5, amount=3]
Transaction[transactionId=67, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner1, amount=6]
Block was generating for 1 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 10
Timestamp: 1678203188288
Magic number: 940645066
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=73, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Miner1, amount=7]
Transaction[transactionId=74, fromUserId=Miner5, toUserId=Nick, amount=10]
Transaction[transactionId=75, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner5, amount=5]
Transaction[transactionId=76, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner5, amount=3]
Transaction[transactionId=77, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Nick, amount=4]
Transaction[transactionId=78, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Tom, amount=6]
Transaction[transactionId=79, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Nick, amount=8]
Transaction[transactionId=80, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner5, amount=1]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 11
Timestamp: 1678203188383
Magic number: 460824785
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=86, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Miner2, amount=6]
Transaction[transactionId=87, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner5, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=88, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner5, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=89, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Miner3, amount=7]
Transaction[transactionId=90, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Sarah, amount=1]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner3
Miner3 gets 100 VC
Id: 12
Timestamp: 1678203188446
Magic number: 430620573
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=91, fromUserId=Miner5, toUserId=Miner2, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=97, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Nick, amount=10]
Transaction[transactionId=98, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Miner4, amount=8]
Transaction[transactionId=99, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner5, amount=10]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner4
Miner4 gets 100 VC
Id: 13
Timestamp: 1678203189349
Magic number: 164926535
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=105, fromUserId=Miner5, toUserId=Miner3, amount=8]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner1
Miner1 gets 100 VC
Id: 14
Timestamp: 1678203189694
Magic number: 816850930
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=106, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner5, amount=1]
Transaction[transactionId=107, fromUserId=Tom, toUserId=Miner1, amount=5]
Transaction[transactionId=113, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Tom, amount=3]
Transaction[transactionId=114, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Miner2, amount=1]
Transaction[transactionId=115, fromUserId=Nick, toUserId=Miner3, amount=5]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same
Created by: Miner1
Miner1 gets 100 VC
Id: 15
Timestamp: 1678203189853
Magic number: 288734742
Hash of the previous block:
Hash of the block:
Block data:
Transaction[transactionId=121, fromUserId=Miner3, toUserId=Sarah, amount=3]
Transaction[transactionId=122, fromUserId=Miner4, toUserId=Tom, amount=5]
Transaction[transactionId=123, fromUserId=Miner1, toUserId=Tom, amount=7]
Transaction[transactionId=124, fromUserId=Miner2, toUserId=Miner3, amount=2]
Transaction[transactionId=125, fromUserId=Sarah, toUserId=Miner5, amount=6]
Block was generating for 0 seconds
N stays the same