This is a Radio Frequency Identification system for Electronic Passport using Arduino, React, Nodejs, MongoDB and serial-port library for my fibal year dissertation :
The client module contains MERN stack application to automate the form application process for obtaining Passports.
This is a CRUD application designed for managing candidates who have applied for passport by the NIgerian Immigration service
This is serial port library used with HTML AND CSS to scan supposed e-passports i.e rfid cards and find a match in the database. All screnshots in the screenshot folder
In client and mern-crud-master run
- npm install
- npm start
In Serial To Browser
- npm install
- npm start
- RUN THE C++ code in your IDE with the serial port /devAtty/ACM0 yours may be different
- make sure your baud rate is the same with the serialtobrowser/inddex.js