Blender Import-Export script for Blitz 3D .b3d files
I don't have much time to maintain this and I get no PR's, so there are more recent forks:
- (recommended by minetest wiki)
- (other forks)
You may download plugin zip in the releases section
- Userspace method: click "File" - "User Preferences" - "Add-ons" - "Install Add-on from File". The add-on zip file should contain io_scene_b3d directory, including the directory itself.
- Alternative method: copy or symlink the io_scene_b3d directory to blender user directory, e.g. to
%APPDATA%\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\io_scene_b3d
. Then search for b3d and enable add-on in "Preferences" - "Add-ons". Click "Save User Settings" afterwards.
- Userspace method: every time you make a change the script has to be reloaded (press F3, search for Reload Scripts).
- Alternative method: my shortcut, Shift+Ctrl+F in Object Mode. It resets scene, reloads the script and imports test file.
- Animation is not yet implemented in version 1.0. Check master branch for updates.
- Nodes use original quaternion rotation that affects user interface. Maybe convert them into euler angles.
This software is covered by GPL 2.0. Pull requests are welcome.
- The import script based on a heavily rewriten (new reader) script from Glogow Poland Mariusz Szkaradek.
- The export script uses portions of script by Diego 'GaNDaLDF' Parisi (ported to Blender 2.8) under GPL license.
- The b3d format documentation (b3dfile_specs.txt) doesn't have a clear license (I assume Public Domain).
- Assimp - doesn't read .b3d animation in most cases, maybe I have acquired a very particular set of files
- fragMOTION - works fine most of the time, but it's a terrible nagware and the only suitable export is .smd