Functional game ✔
Cards implemented minus Nope, Tacocat and Feral Cat ✔
Have multiplayer server hosting a single game ✔
Join player, start game ✔
Receive input from players ✔
Send output to players ✔
Handle connections lost ✔
Fix bug causing the last player to join not communicating properly ✔
Forbid players from joining with the same ID ✔
System is accepting input from all players fix ✔
Players disconnecting timeout fix ✔
game being initialized twice? ✔
Rooms each hosting their game ✔
Players create and join a room by id for 2-5 # players ✔
Include card description with help command ✔
Nope card implementation and testing ✔
Cat cards implementation ✔
check if room is buggy after players try to join incorrectly ✔
players being dealt the same hand fix ✔
Noping an attack breaks game fix ✔
Nope ask all players & wait for 3s ✔
check what's wrong with targeted attack last player in list not valid ✔
check why nopes are skipping draw card ✔
answer yes on nope not working ✔
steal stolen card not working? ✔
dont ask for cards if there's no cards in hand ✔
remove hand when player dies!!!! ✔
close players of game end ✔