CRUD components for Element-UI (Vue).
This is intended for use with Laravel's Resource Controllers:
However, it may be used in other HTTP applications if the same endpoints are implemented.
A sample Laravel Trait that can be used is in the "laravel-trait" folder.
npm install axios --save
npm install vue --save
npm install element-ui --save
npm install element-ui-crud --save
You must set Axios as your $http library:
import Axios from 'axios'
Vue.prototype.$http = Axios;
Element-UI CRUD is designed to be modular so that each component can be used on its own if desired.
The primary component that provides full CRUD functionality.
<el-crud endpoint="/api/users"
:list="['id', 'name']"
:titles="{ 'id': 'ID', 'name': 'Name' }">
<template slot="list" scope="scope">
<el-button size="small" type="primary" v-on:click="alert(scope.row)" icon="information"></el-button>
import ElCrud from "element-ui-crud"
export default {
components: { ElCrud },
The display of columns can be over-ridden using Vue's Template/Slot system. The general format is "component.columnName". An example is below showing how to over-ride the "id" column in the "List" component.
<el-crud endpoint="/api/users"
:list="['id', 'name']"
:titles="{ 'id': 'ID', 'name': 'Name' }"
<template slot="list" scope="scope">
<el-button size="small" type="primary" v-on:click="console.log(scope.row)" icon="information"></el-button>
<template slot="" scope="scope">
ID of user is {{ scope.row['id'] }}
If you plan on using a custom component on the Create or Edit component, you must bind the v-model as below:
<template slot="" scope="scope">
<code-editor v-model=""></code-editor>
(Note that the component MUST support the use of v-model for this to work.)
The root HTTP REST endpoint of your backend that provides CRUD functionality. Note that this should implement the same endpoints as Laravel's Resource Controller.
- Type: string
- Example: "/api/users"
primary-key (optional)
The primary key to use on the List component.
- Type: string
- Default: "id"
Fields that should be shown on the List component.
- Type: array
- Example: ["id", "name"]
Fields that should be shown on the Create component. If not specified, create functionality will not be offered.
- Type: array
- Example: ["name"]
Fields that should be shown on the Edit component. If not specified, edit functionality will not be offered.
- Type: array
- Example: ["name"]
Whether "Delete" should be shown next to items in row.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
Whether "Refresh" button should be shown above table.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
Titles to apply to List Columns and Create/Edit Forms. If not provided, the key for that column is used.
- Type: Object
- Example: { id: 'ID', name: 'Name' }
order (TODO)
Titles to apply to List Columns and Create/Edit Forms. If not provided, the key for that column is used.
- Type: Object
- Example: { id: 'ID', name: 'Name' }
Extra parameters that should be passed with every request. These will be passed in the query string.
- Type: Object
- Example: { where: 'user.type == "ADMIN' }
fields (TODO)
Extra parameters that should be passed with every request. Can be used for filtering the results server-side.
- Type: Object
- Example: { level: 'admin' }
Function to perform after Create/Edit. For example, after a edit is performed, you might wish to update a VueX store.
- Type: function
- Example: function(entity) { this.$store.dispatch('refreshUsers'); }
If set, Pagination will be enabled. This must be handled server-side. The "limit" and "offset" parameters will be passed in the Query String.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Example: 50
Size of the Create Dialog.
- Type: string
- Default: "small"
- Example: "large"
Size of the Edit Dialog.
- Type: string
- Default: "small"
- Example: "large"
Size of the Delete Dialog.
- Type: string
- Default: "tiny"
- Example: "small"
Component to display the Rows in a table.
See List.vue for a list of available parameters.
Component to display the Edit Form.
See Edit.vue for a list of available parameters.
Component to display the Create Form.
See Create.vue for a list of available parameters.