The decision maker in Go.
Instead of using AWS Step Functions, this one is just AWS API Gateway + Lambda Function.
brew install go
The latest version of go will be installed into ~/go
For non Mac users, please read this.
cd ~/go
mkdir -p src/jaypeng2015/
git clone
cd decision-maker
go get -v ./...
go test -v
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Go Extension
- Install Go Tools from Go Extension
Install the AWS CLI for your operating system.
Configure your AWS security access keys
aws --profile decisionmaker configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-2 Default output format [None]: json
Activate the decisionmaker profile
export AWS_PROFILE=decisionmaker export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-2 ## To avoid `Error: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration`
Create an S3 bucket and make sure you have write access since Sparta uploads the lambda package and CloudFormation template to that bucket as part of provisioning.
Get a view of what’s going on by the describe command (replacing $S3_BUCKET with the S3 bucket you just created).
mkdir .sparta
go run application.go --level info describe --out .sparta/graph.html --s3Bucket $S3_BUCKET
Then open graph.html in your browser to see what will be provisioned.
Replace $S3_BUCKET with the S3 bucket you just created and run:
go run application.go provision --s3Bucket $S3_BUCKET
A compiled application provides several command line options which are available by providing the -h/--help option as in:
$ go run application.go --help
The Decision Maker in Go.
application [command]
Available Commands:
delete Delete service
describe Describe service
execute Execute
explore Interactively explore service
help Help about any command
provision Provision service
version Sparta framework version
-f, --format string Log format [text, json] (default "text")
-h, --help help for application
--ldflags string Go linker string definition flags (
-l, --level string Log level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
-n, --noop Dry-run behavior only (do not perform mutations)
-t, --tags string Optional build tags for conditional compilation
Use "application [command] --help" for more information about a command.
More information can be found here.