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What am I ?

This is a django app which extracts keywords from the given texts and stores them in a database. It was written to be the core of an English learning game. Codes of the game is not included here.

The game

In the game, gamers get a list of topics. After choosing a topic, a list of keywords of the topic is shown to them. Gamers buy some of the keywords and then a text containing their chosen keywords is shown to them with some of them missing in the text. Gamers must fill in the blanks with the correct form of their chosen keywords.

The code

This project is supposed to be the core of the game. It accepts texts from the admin, parses them and extracts their keywords and store the texts and their keyword in the database.

In order to parse the texts and extract keywords I used [keywordfinder] ( This is a greate library thanks to lvsh. You can read its documantation in its page.

API documantation

In the following, I describe APIs and their corresponding input output.

add a text to database

It accepts a text and its topic, then parses it and stores the text and its keywords in the database.

POST /text_parser/add_article


Name Type Description
topic string topic of the text
text string the text to be added

get available topics

It gives the topics existing in the database.

GET /text_parser/get_topics


Name Type Description
- - -

get keywords for a topic

It accepts a topic and return its keywords.

POST /text_parser/get_key_words


Name Type Description
topic string topic to get keywords from

start a new game

It accepts a topic and the gamer's chosen keywords. Then finds the texts containing most of the given keywords and store them as this game's text. Then returns the id of the game.

POST /text_parser/new_game


Name Type Description
topic string topic of the game
keywords array of strings gamers' chosen keywords

get paragraphs containing most of the given keywords

It accepts a game_id and a list of keywords. Searches for paragraphs containing most of the keywords and return a sorted list of them.

POST /text_parser/get_containing_paragraph


Name Type Description
game_id int id of the game
keywords array of strings gamers' chosen keywords

get completed sentence

It accepts a game_id and a regex. Searches through the text of the game and returns matchig sentences.

POST /text_parser/get_completed_sentece


Name Type Description
game_id int id of the game
sentence string a regex to be searched for


A django app to extract keyword from text and strore to DB







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