A secure password manager that runs locally on your computer though a command line interface.
Run the following command to install all the required packages, runs in python3
pip3 install -r requriements.txt
On startup and on subsequent runs, run the following command:
python3 manager.py
On startup, you will be prompted to create a master password. On subsequent runs, you will simply be prompted to enter your master password.
Caution - There is a maximum allowance of 10 erroneous password attempts. After 10 attempts, the password database will be deleted.
print accounts
This option will print out the database in table format displaying all the account names and urls.
retrieve account password
This option will prompt the user to retrieve an account password based on an account name or url, both. The associated password will be copied to the user's clipboard.
add account
This option will prompt the user to add an account password based on an account name or url, or both. A strong, secure password will be generated, stored, and then copied to the user's clipboard.
delete password database
This option will prompt the user for the master password in order to delete the password database. Caution - deleting the password database is irreversible and permanent.
This option will exit the application.