An opinionated boilerplate for Yarn Workspaces.
By downloading / cloning this project, you'll likely save a couple hours of configuration.
Download the entire project from Github, or clone this repository with the name you might want:
> $ git clone
(Optional) to start the project with a clean commit tree:
> $ yarn dlx rimraf ./.git
> $ git init -b main
Do not forget to change the proper fields in your package.json
file to your own project name, version, description, authors, contributors, keywords and repository urls!
- Uses the Yarn version plugin to improve monorepo release workflow
- Uses the
yarn upgrade-interactive
CLI Command plugin to help upgrading dependencies - Uses commitlint to standardize commit messages
- Has a script to allow only the execution of yarn when starting up the project (Credits: Angular Project)
- Pre-made typescript scripts folder with an example build script and ready-made logging utils (for future application scripts)
- Use of dotenv to manage environment variables in a secure environment (your
files should not be commited to your online repository and are excluded by default in the.gitignore