A conversion of the ASP.NET MVC BigShelf single page application to ASP.NET Web Forms using the Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms framework.
Progressive Enhancement - It works even if JavaScript is disabled and provides enhanced Ajax functionality where available; the MVC version is dependent upon JavaScript and so is less accessible.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly - Because it's built using the Hijax technique, all hyperlinks have genuine URLs in their href attributes and so are crawlable; the MVC version isn't crawlable because its content is only accessible via JavaScript and there aren't any populated href attributes.
User Friendly URLs - The URLs are all determined server side so Routing can be used; the MVC version produces URLs client side so Routing can't be used.
Faster Loading - The combination of server side rendering and HTML5 History means there's no delay when loading a bookmarked page; the MVC version's rendering is all client side so the initial load must wait for the JavaScript to download and execute.