Dataset: The MovieLens datasets (, a movie recommendation service) are curated by a research group at the University of Minnesota ( I have used the small dataset that consists of 100004 ratings and 1296 tag applications across 9125 movies. These data were created by 671 users between January 09, 1995 and October 16, 2016. This dataset was generated on October 17, 2016.
Description: I have developed a small collaborative filtering-based recommendation system. Here I have developed a recommender engine that will predict the rating that a user with ID 191 will give to a movie.
User IDs Jaccard Similarity User ID 513 0.4358974 User ID 317 0.4033613 User ID 415 0.3255814 User ID 375 0.3049645 User ID 64 0.2753623 User ID 556 0.2727273 User ID 82 0.2527473 User ID 225 0.2420382 User ID 657 0.2262774 User ID 266 0.2216216 User ID 568 0.2105263 User ID 50 0.2009804
We will randomly pick 5 users from the above table. Using these 5 users and User ID 191, we will create a utility matrix, U, where the rows are the users and the columns are the movies. U will be filled with the ratings that a particular user gave a movie, if the user watched that movie. If the user did not watch the movie, the cell will contain an NA. Each User ID in the above table may have watched more movies than User ID 191 has, or less movies, or equal amount of movies.
(a) Prediction using user-user similarity: The similarity we will use between users is the Jaccard Similarity shown in the above table.
(b) Prediction using item-item similarity: The similarity we will use between users is the Pearson correlation similarity.