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learning-lisp contains my notes on Lisp.


In Lisp a comment is started by the ; character. Depending on where the comment is placed, the number of ; characters vary:

  • Use one semicolon for a comment at the end of a line.
  • Use two semicolons for a comment that is inlined with the code.
  • Use three semicolons for a comment that document code blocks and start in column 1.
  • Use four semicolons for titles and introductory information on a code file.

The following sample shows how comments should be used:

;;;; This sample implements a simple hello world application.

;;; Define the hello-world function.
(defun hello-world ()
  ;; Print the string hello world to the console.
  (princ "Hello world!")) ; Might use prin1 instead.

(hello-world) ; Finally, call the hello-world function.


Boolean literals

Lisp contains two literals that are of type BOOLEAN and hence are typically used in a boolean context:

  • t represents true
  • nil represents false

Values evaluating to false

Besides nil there are a number of expressions that also evaluate to false and are commonly referred to as equivalents to nil within conditions:

  • 'nil
  • ()
  • '()

Please note that not all of them are literals, especially the quoted ones.

Character literals

Characters are represented by using the prefix #\. Hence, e.g. the character a becomes #\a, as in

(princ #\a) ; => a

Additionally, there are a few special character literals, such as:

  • #\newline
  • #\space
  • #\tab

Data mode

To switch Lisp into data mode you have to use quoting. This can either be done by using quote or by prefixing a list with the ' character. Hence the following two lists are equivalent:

(quote (2 3 5 7 11))
'(2 3 5 7 11)

There is also quasi-quoting which uses the ` character as a prefix, but allows to switch back to code mode using a ,:

`(2 3 ,(+ 2 3) 7 11)
;; => (2 3 5 7 11)


Defining global variables

To define global variables use defparameter and defvar. They differ in terms of repeatability: While a variable defined with defparameter can be re-defined, variables defined with defvar can't.

In Lisp, it is common to surround global variable names with so-called ear-muffs, that is, with a * as prefix and suffix:

(defparameter *the-answer-to-everything* 42)

Defining local variables

To define local variables use let. You can define one or more variables, and they are only visible in the body of let:

(defun add ()
  (let ((x 23)
        (y 42))
    (+ x y)))

Assigning values

To assign a value to a variable use setf:

(setf *foo* 23)

An expression may be used for the value to be assigned. Hence, the sample above may be rewritten as:

(setf *foo* (+ 10 13))


Defining global functions

To define a global function use defun. Specify the name of the function as well as its parameters and its body.

(defun add (x y)
  (+ x y))

If a function doesn't have any parameters, simply specify an empty list.

Defining local functions

To define local functions use flet. Basically it works like let, except that it defines functions instead of variables.

(defun calculate ()
  (flet ((add (x y)
              (+ x y))
         (mul (x y)
              (* x y)))
    (mul 2 (add 3 4))))

;; => 14

Alternatively, you may use labels. It works in exactly the same way as flet, but defined functions can use the ones defined earlier. In contrast, when using flet, the functions are only accessible from flet's body.

Defining lambda functions

To define a lambda function use lambda.

(mapcar (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; => (1 4 9 16 25)


Basic arithmetic operations

First of all, Lisp supports the four basic arithmetic operations: +, -, * and /, that are used in prefix notation:

(* 2 (+ 3 4)) ; => 14

In contrast to other languages, the codomain is not limited, i.e. numbers may become arbitrarily large. Additionally, Lisp supports division with rational numbers, such as:

(/ 1 3) ; => 1/3

Shortcut arithmetic operations

If you just want to add or subtract one from a given value, you may use 1+ and 1-. Hence, the following two lines of code are equivalent:

(- 7 1) ; => -6
(1- 7)  ; => -6

Arithmetic shifting

To do arithmetic shifting use ash. It requires an expression and the number of bits to shift to the left or to the right. Positive values shift to the left, while negative values shift to the right:

(ash 16 1)  ; => 32
(ash 16 3)  ; => 128
(ash 16 -1) ; => 8
(ash 16 -3) ; => 2

Power and root

To calculate the power of a value use expt and provide the base as well as the exponent. In contrast, to calculate the square root use sqrt:

(expt 2 4) ; => 16
(sqrt 16)  ; => 4

Predicate functions

In Lisp there are a number of pre-defined predicate functions. They end in p, or - if the function itself already contains a hyphen - in -p.

Common predicates

To test whether an expression is equivalent to nil use null:

(null ())  ; => t
(null nil) ; => t
(null #\a) ; => nil

Predicates on numbers

To test whether a number is even or odd, use evenp and oddp:

(evenp 42) ; => t
(evenp 23) ; => nil

(oddp 42)  ; => nil
(oddp 23)  ; => t

To test whether a number is equal to zero use zerop:

(zerop 0) ; => t
(zerop 1) ; => nil

Predicates on characters

To test whether a character is of a specific class of characters, use alphanumericp and digit-char-p:

(alphanumericp #\a) ; => t
(alphanumericp #\1) ; => t
(alphanumericp #\_) ; => nil

(digit-char-p #\a)  ; => nil
(digit-char-p #\1)  ; => t
(digit-char-p #\_)  ; => nil

Higher-order functions

First of all, to access a function by name, you need to use function or its short cut #'. Hence the two following expressions are equivalent:

(function evenp)

Mapping lists

To map a list to a function, use mapcar or mapc, depending on whether you want the mapped list to be returned or not (mapcar does, mapc doesn't and instead returns the original list):

(mapcar #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; => (nil t nil t nil)

(mapc #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; => (1 2 3 4 5)

While mapcar rather conforms to the map function in functional programming, mapc is more like a for each loop and hence only useful for potential side-effects of the specified function.

Besides that there is also maplist which in each iteration processes the rest of the list:

(maplist #'identity '(1 2 3))
;; => ((1 2 3) (2 3) (3))

Complementing functions

Sometimes it is necessary to get the complement of a specific function, e.g. it might be useful to have a predicate that matches everything but a digit, so this would be the complement of digit-char-p.

To get the complement use complement:

(mapcar (complement #'digit-char-p) '(#\a #\1 #\_))
;; => (t nil t)

Invoking functions

To invoke a function use apply or funcall, depending on whether the parameters are given as a list or as separate values.

(apply #'evenp '(42)) ; => t
(apply #'evenp '(23)) ; => nil

(funcall #'evenp 42)  ; => t
(funcall #'evenp 23)  ; => nil

Lazy evaluation

If you want to evaluate an expression lazily, move it into a lambda function. Then you can move around this function and call it when needed. If such a function does not have any parameters, it is called a nullary function or a thunk:

(defun run (thunk)
  (funcall thunk))

(run (lambda () (+ 23 42)))
;; => 65

Running code

Sometimes code is given as data, e.g. when reading code from the console. To run such code use eval:

(eval '(+ 23 42))
;; => 65

As usual, eval should be considered bad style and be used carefully.

Working with lists

Lists in Lisp consist of cons cells that are linked to each other. Hence a list is, technically speaking, a single-linked list.

Creating lists

To create a list use cons and specify the value of the cons cell as well as the next cons cell, or nil if it is the last element of a list:

(cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 5 (cons 7 (cons 11 nil)))))
;; => (2 3 5 7 11)

Alternatively you may use list:

(list 2 3 5 7 11)
;; => (2 3 5 7 11)

Dotted lists and association lists

If you only use a single cons cell you can create a so-called dotted list respectively a pair:

(cons 2 3) ; => (2 . 3)

Additionally, you may build lists of pairs. These are called association lists (or alist):

'((1 . 1)
  (2 . 4)
  (3 . 9)
  (4 . 16))

Getting the length of a list

To get the length of a list use length:

(length '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => 5

Accessing list items

To get the first item from a list use car:

(car '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => 2

To get the rest from a list use cdr:

(cdr '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => (3 5 7 11)

Now you can combine these two. E.g., to access the third item from a list you first get the rest, then the rest of the rest, and then the first item, i.e. you nest car, cdr and cdr:

(car (cdr (cdr '(2 3 5 7 11)))) ; => 5

Alternatively, you can combine those into a single call by merging the a and d characters:

(caddr '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => 5

This works for up to four levels.

Combining and extending lists

To concatenate lists use append and provide an arbitrary number of lists:

(append '(2 3) '(5 7 11))
;; => (2 3 5 7 11)

To add a new item to a list use push. Please note that push adds to the beginning of the list, not to its end:

(defparameter *primes* '(3 5 7 11))
(push 2 *primes*)

*primes* ; => (2 3 5 7 11)

Searching lists

To detect whether a given element is contained within a list use member. If the element is contained, member returns the rest of the list starting with the given element, otherwise it returns nil:

(member 5 '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => (5 7 11)
(member 4 '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => nil

Please note that this also works if you are looking for nil itself, as in the case of success member returns a list containing nil.

Alternatively, you may use find. It returns the element itself if it is contained, rather than a list:

(find 5 '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => 5
(find 4 '(2 3 5 7 11)) ; => nil

Additionally you may specify a function that is used to get the key. This is useful if you want to search an alist for a given key:

(find 'foo '((foo . bar) (baz . bas)) :key #'car)
;; => (foo . bar)

You may also use find-if if you want to describe the element being looked for using a function:

(find-if (lambda (p) (> p 5)) '(2 3 5 7 11))
;; => 7

Finally, when working with alists, you can also use assoc to get an element by its key, instead of using find with its :key parameter set to #'car:

(assoc 'foo '((foo . bar) (baz . bas)))
;; => (foo . bar)

Manipulating lists

If you want to replace elements of a list according to a given criterion use substitute-if and provide the replacement, a predicate and the list itself:

(substitute-if 0 #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
;; => (1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0)

Alternatively, you may want to remove the elements that match the predicate. For that use remove-if:

(remove-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
;; => (1 3 5 7 9)

Working with characters and strings

Getting the length of a string

To get the length of a string use length:

(length "Hello world!") ; => 12

Getting substrings

If you need a substring of a string use subseq and provide the start as well as the end index. Please note that they are zero-based:

(subseq "Hello world!" 6 11)
;; => "world"

Sometimes you need to trim a string, i.e. remove one or more characters from its beginning, its end, or from both. For that use string-trim:

(string-trim " " "   Hello world!   ")
;; => "Hello world!"

Please note that you can provide more than character by simply specifying them as a string in the first parameter:

(string-trim " $" "$   Hello world!   ")
;; => "Hello world!"

Extending strings

To concatenate multiple strings into a single one use concatenate and provide an arbitrary number of strings. Please note that you must specify the expected type of the result, i.e. 'string:

(concatenate 'string "Hello " "world!")
;; => "Hello world!"

Manipulating strings

Sometimes you want to replace parts of a string with other text. For that you can use substitute-if and provide an appropriate predicate function:

(substitute-if #\_ (complement #'alphanumericp) "Hello world!")
;; => "Hello_world_"

To convert characters to uppercase or lowercase, use char-upcase and char-downcase:

(char-upcase #\a)   ; => A
(char-downcase #\A) ; => a

Comparing values

When comparing values Lisp provides a number of possibilities. Some of them work only for specific types, others work for a variety of types as well.


The simplest comparison possible is by using eq. It compares two values by reference, or - to put it differently - it compares their identity. Hence eq is primarily used to compare symbols:

(eq 'a 'a) ; => t
(eq 'a 'b) ; => nil

You may also use eql which basically does the same as eq, but also handles numbers and characters. Anyway, number must be of the same type, either both integer or both decimal:

(eql #\a #\a) ; => t
(eql 1.0 1.0) ; => t

Equality for specific types

There are specific ways to compare specific types. E.g., is you want to compare numbers, no matter whether they are integers or decimals, use =:

(= 1 1)   ; => t
(= 1 1.0) ; => t

Instead, if you need to compare characters use char-equal. Please note that this ignores the casing of the given characters:

(char-equal #\a #\a) ; => t
(char-equal #\a #\A) ; => t

To compare not only single characters but complete strings use string-equal. Please note that this also ignores the casing:

(string-equal "Hello" "Hello") ; => t
(string-equal "Hello" "HELLO") ; => t

Equality for various types

Additionally to the comparisons mentioned before there are a number of more complex ones.

The most important one is equal that compares two values isomorphicly, i.e., as a rule of thumb you might say that things are considered to be equal when they look the same:

(equal 'foo 'foo)     ; => t
(equal 1 1)           ; => t
(equal 1.0 1.0)       ; => t
(equal #\a #\a)       ; => t
(equal "abc" "abc")   ; => t
(equal '(2 3) '(2 3)) ; => t

If you rather want to compare for common meaning than for common looks, use equalp instead. It will also compare numbers of different types and ignore different casing when comparing characters and strings.


For numbers, just like =, you can also use >, <, >= and <=.


To cast a type into another one use coerce and provide the expression to cast as well as the demanded target type:

(coerce "Hello" 'list)
;; => (#\H #\e #\l #\l #\o)

(coerce (#\H #\e #\l #\l #\o) 'string)
;; => "Hello"


Boolean relations

To merge multiple boolean values into a single you can either use and or or. Both provide shortcut evaluation:

(and t t)   ; => t
(and t nil) ; => nil
(or t t)    ; => t
(or t nil)  ; => t

Please note that and and or also work with values of types other than BOOLEAN. The following lines show a few examples:

(and 23 42)  ; => 42
(and nil 42) ; => nil
(or 23 42)   ; => 23
(or nil 42)  ; => 42

When, unless and if

To run code only when a certain condition is met use when, provide the condition itself and one or more expressions to run:

(defun is-prime (n)
  (when (find n '(2 3 5 7 11))

To run code when a condition is not met use unless instead:

(defun is-not-prime (n)
  (unless (find n '(2 3 5 7 11))

Finally, when you need when and unless in combination use if. Please note that if does not support multiple expressions, hence both code paths must consist of a single expression:

(defun is-prime (n)
  (if (find n '(2 3 5 7 11))

Executing multiple expressions

If you actually need to provide multiple expressions where only a single one is allowed use progn:

(progn (princ "Hello ") (princ "world!"))

Handling multiple conditions

From time to time you need to check multiple conditions and decide which branch to use. For these cases Lisp provides cond that takes pairs of conditions and expressions. Usually the last branch is specified by the condition t. Hence, its canonical form is:

  (<condition> <expression> <...>)
  (<condition> <expression> <...>)
  (t <expression> <...>))

A real-life example may be an implementation of fizz buzz:

(defun is-fizz-buzz (n)
  (cond ((and (zerop (mod n 3)) (zerop (mod n 5))) 'fizz-buzz)
        ((zerop (mod n 3)) 'fizz)
        ((zerop (mod n 5)) 'buzz)
        (t n)))

(is-fizz-buzz 15)
;; => fizz-buzz

Alternatively you can use case that compares an expression against a list of values using eql. The last branch is specified by otherwise. Hence, its canonical form is:

(case <expression>
  ((<value>) <expression> <...>)
  ((<value>) <expression> <...>)
  (otherwise <expression> <...>))

A real-life example may be a function that uses the above mentioned calculation of fizz buzz:

(defun fizz-buzz (n)
  (princ (case (is-fizz-buzz n)
               ((fizz) "Fizz!")
               ((buzz) "Buzz!")
               ((fizz-buzz) "Fizz-Buzz!")
               (otherwise n))))

(fizz-buzz 15)
;; => "Fizz-Buzz!"

Please note that case checks against a list of values, even in a single branch. Hence you must wrap values in parentheses. Additionally, do not quote values, as otherwise '(foo) is resolved to (quote foo).

Working with the console

Writing output

To write an expression to the console use print. This will write the expression as seen by Lisp, e.g. including the double quotes when writing a string. Additionally, the output is terminated by a #\newline character:

(print "Hello world!")
;; => "Hello world!"

If you want to omit the line break use prin1 instead of print:

(prin1 "Hello world!")
;; => "Hello world!"

To write the output in a more human-friendly way use princ. This also omits the line break, but will also omit the double quotes around strings:

(princ "Hello world!")
;; => Hello world!

Writing a line break

To write a line break to the console use fresh-line. This will produce a line break if the current write position is not at the beginning of the line, otherwise it won't do anything:


Writing to a string

If you don't want to write to the console, but to a string instead, use prin1-to-string or princ-to-string:

(princ-to-string 'foobar)
;; => "foobar"

The common base for prin1-to-string and princ-to-string is write-to-string. They only differ in the presets used.

Reading input

To read data from the console use read. This will interpret everything as Lisp data, hence you need to surround strings by double quotes, e.g.:

(eval (read))

If you actually want the user to only enter a string use read-line instead, and you will always get a string:

(eval (read-line))

Of course, as in any other language, running eval on basically arbitrary code is a major security concern, so you should be careful with this one.

Reading input from a string

If you have Lisp code within a string that you want to turn into actual code use read-from-string:

(eval (read-from-string "(princ \"Hello world!\")"))

Working with files

Opening a file

To open a file use with-open-file and provide the name of a stream, the name of the file and, optionally, some parameters to control how the file is being opened. Inside the body of with-open-file you can then use the stream's name as variable to write to:

(with-open-file (my-stream "foo.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
  (princ "Hello world!" my-stream))

If you specify *standard-output* as stream name, any writes to the standard output become redirected to the file.


learning-lisp contains my notes on Lisp.






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