AlloKit is a collection of functions, hooks, and components for interacting with the Allo Protocol and its Indexer.
- Allo Kit
AlloKit is a collection of functions, hooks, and components for interacting with the Allo Protocol and its Indexer.
For example:
- Query Rounds, Applications, and Projects
- Create Rounds, Register and Approve Applications
- Allocate and Distribute
You can install it using either npm, pnpm, yarn or bun
bun add @allo-team/kit
pnpm add @allo-team/kit
yarn add @allo-team/kit
npm install @allo-team/kit --save
In local development you can link the package to automatically update any changes made to the codebase. You first need to clone this repo.
Link the package from the AlloKit project:
cd packages/kit bun run link
Link the package to your project:
cd /path/to/your-project bun link @allo-team/kit --save
This will link the AlloKit package from the cloned repository to the project where you want to use it, allowing you to use it as if it were installed from npm package manager.
AlloKit has the following peer dependencies that you need to install in your project:
(version ^18.0.0)react-dom
(version ^18.0.0)@rainbow-me/rainbowkit
(version ^2.1.4)wagmi
(version ^2.12.2)
Make sure these packages are installed in your project.
Create a simple grants app tutorial.
To use AlloKit's styles in your project, import the styles CSS file:
import "@allo-team/kit/styles.css";
To use AlloKit's context providers, add them to your application:
"use client";
import { ApiProvider, Web3Provider } from "@allo-team/kit";
export function AlloKitProviders({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
return (
<ApiProvider api={{ upload }}>
// Provide Upload metadata API
// See `apps/demo/src/app/api/ipfs/route.ts` for example implementation
async function upload(data) {
return fetch(`/api/ipfs`, { method: "POST", body: data })
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => r.cid);
Depending on your app and use-cases you can use the kit in different ways. For example:
- Direct function call - This is useful when you want to query the indexer server-side
- React Hooks - Function calls are wrapped in ReactQuery hooks for loading & error states (plus more!)
- React Components - Ready-made components for common uses
- UI - Simple design primitives like buttons and forms (see
) - Features - Larger components often with a complete feature (CreateRound, DiscoverProjects, etc)
- UI - Simple design primitives like buttons and forms (see
import { DiscoverRounds, useRounds, indexer } from "@allo-team/kit";
export default function RoundsPage() {
// Server-side
const rounds = await indexer.rounds(query);
// Or using hooks (remember to "use client" at top of file)
const { data, error, isPending } = useRounds(query);
// Or render ready-made component
return (
// Optional renderItem function to wrap in Link component
renderItem={({ key, ...round }, RoundCard) => (
<Link key={key} href={`/${round.chainId}/rounds/${}`}>
<RoundCard {...round} />
// Customize how many columns for different screen-sizes [sm, md, lg, xl]
columns={[1, 2, 3, 4]}
// Simple query
// Discover queries here:
// (There are some differences in the queries. See packages/kit/src/api/types.d.ts)
const query = {
where: { chainId: { in: [10] } },
orderBy: { unique_donors_count: "desc" },
offset: 0,
first: 12,
See Storybook for more components:
See apps/demo
The Demo App shows most of the basic usage.
Explore code:
- AlloKit Providers
- Discover Rounds page
- Round Details page + Discover Applications
- Project Details page
- Create Application / Apply to Round
- Create Round
- Review Applications
- Metadata Upload API
git clone
cd allo-starter-kit
brew install pnpm
pnpm i
This will run the apps and the kit build in parallel
pnpm run build
pnpm run dev
open http://localhost:3000
open http://localhost:6006
This section covers how to run the demo app independently for local development.
This section covers how to run Storybook independently for local development.
This will build the kit and run storybook.
pnpm run storybook
The Allo Protocol is highly flexible in the types of strategies can be created. Different strategies might require different parameters and configurations.
The AlloKit provides a way to create StrategyExtensions where UI components are rendered based on the strategy in the correct components.
Let's use DirectGrantsLite as an example.
First we need to understand how Allo and strategies work:
// createPool invokes the strategy's initialize function
_strategy.initialize(poolId, _initStrategyData);
struct InitializeData {
bool useRegistryAnchor;
bool metadataRequired;
uint64 registrationStartTime;
uint64 registrationEndTime;
// the strategy's initialize function decodes the data
InitializeData memory initializeData = abi.decode(_data, (InitializeData));
Now, we want to include form components in CreateRound for the user to select start and end times. We also want to encode this into the strategy's InitializeData struct.
The CreateRound component (and many others) will look for a strategy extension for the current round (or the selected strategy in CreateRound).
If a matching strategy extension is found, it will render the custom UI component and extend the Zod form schema with the strategy extension.
Let's define a FormField with a RangeCalendar component to choose dates for registration start and end
export function ChooseRegistrationTimes() {
const { control } = useFormContext();
return (
// See the schema definition for information about internal state
render={({ field }) => {
return (
<FormLabel>Project Registration</FormLabel>
<RangeCalendar field={field}>
Pick start and end dates
When can projects submit their application?
<FormMessage />
// Schema definition
export const directGrantsRoundSchema = z
initStrategyData expects to be a bytes string starting with 0x.
Temporarily store from and to in an internal state. This will be encoded into the bytes string.
__internal__: z.object({ from:, to: }),
// Transform the dates into initStrategyData
.transform((val) => {
const { from, to } = val.__internal__;
return DirectGrantsLiteStrategy.prototype.getInitializeData({
useRegistryAnchor: false,
metadataRequired: false,
registrationStartTime: dateToUint64(from),
registrationEndTime: dateToUint64(to),
// Define the DirectGrants Strategy Extension with the createRound component and schema
export const directGrants: StrategyExtension = {
name: "Direct Grants Lite",
type: "directGrants",
// Deployed strategy contract address for all supported networks
contracts: supportedChains.reduce(
(acc, x) => ({ ...acc, []: x.contracts.directGrants }),
components: {
createRound: {
schema: directGrantsRoundSchema,
component: ChooseRegistrationTimes,
// We can also extend other components with strategy-specific functionality
registerRecipient: { ... },
reviewRecipients: { ... },
allocate: { ... },
distribute: { ... },
// Finally we add the directGrants strategy to the AlloKit ApiProvider
<ApiProvider strategies={{ directGrants }}>...</ApiProvider>;