API for handling e-mails in Java.
Email email = new Email().withSubject("I need coffee");
// Add the sender with builder pattern
email.from = new EmailAddress().withAddress("[email protected]").withPersonal("Foo Bar");
// Add some recipients with builder pattern
email.recipients = new Recipients()
.withTo(Arrays.asList(new EmailAddress[] {
new EmailAddress().withAddress("[email protected]")}))
.withCc(Arrays.asList(new EmailAddress[] {
new EmailAddress().withAddress("[email protected]")}));
email.withTextContent("I really need coffee");
Map<String, Attachment> inlineImages = new HashMap<>;
inlineImages.put("ineedcoffee", new Attachment()
.withInputStreamSupplier(() -> new FileInputStream("/tmp/ineedcoffee.jpg"))));
email.withHtmlContent(new HtmlContent()
.withHtml("<h1>I really need coffee</h1>"
+ "<img src='cid:ineedcoffee' />")
new Attachment()
.withInputStreamSupplier(() -> new FileInputStream("/tmp/readme.pdf"))));
EmailSender emailSender = getSomeEmailSenderImplementation();
At the moment, an implementation based on JavaMail API is available. In the future, we are planning to have a more lightweight module that implements the necessary parts of SMTP protocol directly.