This is a quick package to allow the creation of shopping carts for users that may or may not be logged into your application.
If a user is not logged in, a cookie will be placed with a
unique value that is then stored in a database. If the
user returns before the cookie has expired (can be set in
the config.php
file), they will still have all of their
items in their cart.
If a user logs in using Laravel's native Auth class or uing Sentry, the user_id will be added to the cart created in the database, allowing the user to return back to the same cart.
To install this package you will need to add the following
to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "[email protected]:elliotfehr/laravel-cart.git"
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
"fehr/cart": "dev-master"
Now you will need to run:
composer update
Next you will need to register the CartServiceProvider as
a provider in app.php
And you can optionally register the Cart Facade as an
alias in app.php
'Cart' => 'Fehr\Cart\CartFacade'
To create new cart you will need to call:
To add an item to the cart you will need to pass an array with the item you would like to add to the cart:
$item = array(
"cart_id" => 1,
"item_id" => 7,
"quantity" => 20,
To retrieve every item in a users cart:
To remove an item from the cart you will need to pass the ID of the item you would like to remove:
$itemId = 3;
To empty every item from the cart: