Note: SkypeKit is being decomissioned in favor of Skype URIs: This hasn't been updated for the new Skype API.
Allows GitHub to post commit messages to a Skype team chat via a webhook.
- A 32-bit Amazon AMI OS on EC2.
- Base dir is my home dir:
- Get a Skype developer account:
- It costs $5 in Skype credit. Skype credit is only available in increments of $10.
Download the SkypeKit SDK for Desktop.
Create a Skype project, generate a keypair, and download it.
- Install some libs
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y git make gcc-c++ mesa-libGL-devel freeglut-devel
- Amazon didn't have a package for CMake version 2.8.2 or greater. If you don't have it, build it.
wget ""
tar -zvxf cmake-2.8.9.tar.gz
cd cmake-2.8.9
sudo make install
cmake --version # should return "cmake version 2.8.9"
Back home:
cd ..
Build the SkypeKit SDK
tar -zxvf sdp-distro-desktop-skypekit_4.3.1.17_1899690.tar.gz
cd sdp-distro-desktop-skypekit_4.3.1.17_1899690/interfaces/skype/cpp_embedded/
Back home:
cd ../../../../
Build libskypekit
git clone
cd libskypekit
DEBUG=1 SKYPEKIT_SDK=~/sdp-distro-desktop-skypekit_4.3.1.17_1899690/ ./
sudo ./
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
If you get an error saying "recompile with -fPIC", read the libskypekit docs. You should delete the SDK directory and start again. You are using a 32-bit OS, right?
Back home:
cd ..
Build this app
git clone
cd github-skype
sudo yum install -y rubygems ruby-devel libffi-devel
sudo gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
Back home:
cd ..
Configure this app
cd github-skype/
cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml
Edit config.yml
. Skip the convo_id for now. Did you remember to get your keypair from the Skype developer site?
Start the test app:
bundle exec ruby send_skype_message.rb
You'll see lots of output text. Look for "Congrats! We are Logged in!" to confirm that you were able to login successfully. -
Send yourself (or have a friend send you) a Skype message in the team chat room. You'll see output that looks like this:
<Skypekit::FFI::ChatMessageData:0xb6e59528> convo_id=#XXXX convo_guid=#XXXX author=XXX author_displayname=XXX sent_at=Wed Aug XX 00:39:53 +0000 2012 body=message
Get the convo_id from this output.
Ctrl-C the app. Note that the Skype runtime dies with it.
Deploy the Sinatra app using
. That's beyond the scope of these docs. -
Setup a Github webhook integration for your repo pointing to your github-skype server. Also beyond scope.