released this
28 Jul 20:51
What's new
Build Improvements
Initial Rocky 9 support
Fixed missing #includes
Use avx2-i32x8 for ISPC
Enable building with GCC 11
Enable building with Qt 5.15.3
Allow Python executable name to be set
Allow alternate names for Boost::python
Upgraded to Embree 3.13.5
Upgraded to ISPC 1.20.0
Upgraded to CUDA 12.1
Upgraded to microhttpd 0.9.71
Improvements to rdl2_print
Multi-machine rendering: Added debug utility functions and debugConsole commands
Bug Fixes
Fixed vector/scalar look difference related to energy compensation
Fixed inconsistencies in scalar / vector normal mapping
Fixed NaNs and crash caused by bad texture data
Fixed cryptoUV data corruption on resume from checkpoint
Fixed dropped cryptomatte weights on resume from checkpoint
Fixed incorrect resume history information related to signal-based checkpoint
Fixed OpenVdbMap input interface
Fixed frame locked noise on volumes
Fixed NaN in bad texture read
Multi-machine rendering: Fixed arras/moonray vector mode display image refresh issue
Improved SceneVariables attribute descriptions
Improved LightSet and ShadowSet attribute descriptions
Improved several Material attribute descriptions
Improved signal-based checkpoint log message
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