Convert Amiga disk images from ADF to DMS (DiskMasher) format
This code is experiental and currently only implements the uncompressed ("NOCOMP") and RLE ("SIMPLE") compression modes.
$ python3 -m adf2dms --help
usage: adf2dms [-h] [-0] [-a FILE] [-b FILE] [-f] [-o file.dms] [-s TRKNUM] [-e TRKNUM | -n COUNT] file.adf
Convert an ADF file to DMS (DiskMasher) format
positional arguments:
file.adf ADF file to read
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-0, --store store tracks uncompressed
-a FILE, --fileid FILE
attach FILE_ID.DIZ file
-b FILE, --banner FILE
attach banner file
-f, --force-overwrite
overwrite output file if it already exists
-o file.dms, --output file.dms
DMS file to create instead of stdout
-s TRKNUM, --low-track TRKNUM
first track, default: 0
-e TRKNUM, --high-track TRKNUM
last track, default: determined by file length
-n COUNT, --num-tracks COUNT
number of tracks to add, default: determined by file length
Input files ending in .adz or .gz will automatically be un-gzipped.
git clone
python3 -m build adf2dms