spiped provides symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes over TCP between socket addresses. Essentially, it allows you to tunnel insecure protocols to a target over an encrypt and authenticated socket.
Common uses include:
- Securing Redis communication
- Statsd over TCP
The development and continued support for this buildpack is sponsored by Dead Man's Snitch.
Ever been surprised that a critical cron job or scheduled task was silently failing to run? Whether it's backups, cache clearing, or sending invoices, Dead Man's Snitch makes it easy to monitor heroku scheduler tasks or cron jobs to give you the confidence they're running when and how they should.
Get started for free today with Dead Man's Snitch on Heroku
heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/deadmanssnitch/heroku-buildpack-spiped
git push heroku master
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 status=none of=key
heroku config:set SPIPED_KEY="$(base64 -w0 key)"
Set to true to automatically enable an spiped connection based on
heroku config:set SPIPED_ENABLED=true
Base64 encoded encryption key.
heroku config:set SPIPED_KEY="$(base64 -w0 key)"
Address to which spiped should connect. Must be in one of the following formats:
Address on which spiped should listen for incoming connections.