This is the code for an advanced practical, completed at the Univerity of Heidelberg in 2017.
If your're a lazy person and happen to be a Nix user, just use the provided shell.nix
Clone this repository using
git clone
Then you need to dowlnload the scipoptsuite from and untar the archive.
Make sure to place the scipoptsuite-4.x.x
directory inside the root folder of this project.
Finally, you can compile SCIP:
cd scipoptsuite-4.0.0
make ZIMPL=false READLINE=false
and then our program:
cd ..
make ZIMPL=false READLINE=false
Finally, you can run it:
bin/fopra input.png 20
where 20 is the desired number of superpixels.
Have a look at There are also slides about this project at