Disclaimer: This is a WIP project. Any comment, test or help is welcome!
Vert.x forge
git clone https://github.com/danielpetisme/vertx-forge.git
cd vertx-forge
Have a look to vertx-forge-main/conf/default-conf.json
"api": {
"http.port": 9090,
"prefix": "api",
"project.request": {
"version": "3.4.1",
"format": "zip",
"language": "java",
"build": "maven",
"groupId": "io.vertx",
"artifactId": "sample",
"dependencies": [
"dependencies.path": "./dependencies.json"
"web": {
"http.port": 8080
"generator": {
"temp.dir": "."
Simply click on "Generate Project" on the web interface to download a project archive.
It your a CLI adept, you can achieve the same result with curl
$ http://<api_url>/starter.zip -o starter.zip
All the web ui inputs are mapped to the following attributes
- Basic information for the generated project
: the Vert.x versionbuild
build toollanguage
: a comma separated list of artifactIds of the vert.x modules
Full example:
$ http://<api_url>/starter.zip \
-d version=3.4.1 \
-d language=java \
-d groupId=io.vertx \
-d artifactId=sample \
-d depencies=vertx-web,vertx-web-client \
-o starter.zip`