Build on Apache Spark DataSourceV2 API.
Goto Home Page to learn how to use this connector.
- Java 8 or 11
- Scala 2.12 or 2.13
- Apache Spark 3.2.x
- ClickHouse or newer
- Currently, only support gRPC protocol, and ClickHouse support gRPC since v21.1.2.15-stable, but we only do test on v22.3.3.44-lts.
./gradlew clean build -x test
The project leverage Testcontainers and Docker Compose to do integration tests, you should install Docker Desktop and Docker Compose before running test, and check more details on Testcontainers Document if you'd like to run test with remote Docker daemon.
./gradlew clean test
Run single test.
./gradlew test --tests=ConvertDistToLocalWriteSuite