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AnonXS edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 9 revisions

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The creature_spell_list table

holds basic creature combat spell_lists previously held by creature_ai_scripts "(EventAI / ACID)".

Meant to emulate official server tool image logic. Ties into not just AI but also Charms and Possess for giving spells and cooldowns. Set ID is changeable in EAI and C++ for now. Default is in creature_template SpellList column. Logically a consolidation of EAI timer 0 event, 9 event for combat spells, creature_template_spells and creature_cooldowns tables. Meant to replace non-conditional timers in CombatAI and is hot-reloadable. -


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
Id int(11) unsigned NO Primary Key 0 List ID - Primary Key #1
Position int(11) unsigned YES Primary Key 0 Position on list - Primary Key #2
SpellId int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 SpellId
Flags int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Spell Flags - enum SpellListFlags
CombatCondition int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0
TargetId int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Targeting ID - enum SpellListTargetingHardcoded
ScriptId int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Dbscript to be launched on success
Availability int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Chance on spawn for spell to be included
Probability int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Weight of spell when multiple are available
InitialMin int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Initial delay minimum
InitialMax int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Initial delay maximum
RepeatMin int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Repeated delay minimum
RepeatMax int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Repeated delay maximum
Comments varchar(255) unsigned YES NULL 0 Description of spell use


creature_template.entry * 100 + 1-99 for the "first list/phase of an NPC.


Primary Key #2, Priority


spellId of the spell.


This is the text type of the text. "enum SpellListFlags"

    SPELL_LIST_FLAG_RANGED_ACTION   = 2, // previously known as main ranged spell in EAI


combat_condition.Id - evaluated on target


This is the ingame language of the text. "enum SpellListTargetingHardcoded"

ID Name Description
0 SPELL_LIST_TARGET_NONE Spell decides Target - nullptr
1 SPELL_LIST_TARGET_CURRENT m_unit->GetVictim();
7 SPELL_LIST_TARGET_CURRENT_NOT_ALONE m_unit->getThreatManager().getThreatList().size() > 1;


Launch dbscripts_on_relay dbscript at successful cast start.

If possible use same value as for Id. creature_template.entry * 100 + 1-99


Chance for spell to be included in spell list at assignment. Assignment happens by default on spawn.


When probability is 0 for all spells, they will use priority based on positions. (lower position, higher priority) - A mix of 0 and other values is not permitted.

If all spells have probability > 0 and are eligible for usage in the same spell list tick, this is the weight with which its likely this spell will go off. (Higher probability, higher chance for spell to be used)





Timers in Milliseconds (1sec = 1000) used for casting spell. Will emplace a cooldown on the user unlike EAI which only starts a timer. Repeat timers are used, during charm to give spells cooldowns as well.

Basic Timers, more Cooldown orientated due to focus on Availability & Probability and SPELL_LIST_FLAG_SUPPORT_ACTION / SPELL_LIST_FLAG_RANGED_ACTION Chance

The creature_spell_list_entry table

holds basic chance of a ai to perform either a SPELL_LIST_FLAG_SUPPORT_ACTION or SPELL_LIST_FLAG_RANGED_ACTION.

chance is either base in ranged mode or chance - 50 in melee mode

meant to simulate chaincasting in ranged mode and mostly not chaincasting in melee mode


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
Id int(11) unsigned NO Primary Key 0 creature_template entry or * 100 + 1-99
Name varchar(200) YES NULL 0 MAP - Creature Name (Description of usage)
ChanceSupportAction int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Chance of support action per tick (1200ms) - GENERIC_ACTION_SPELL_LIST
ChanceRangedAttack int(11) unsigned YES NULL 0 Chance of ranged attack per tick (1200ms) - GENERIC_ACTION_SPELL_LIST


Spell List ID - entry * 100 + 01...


Mandatory - Spell name with zone prefix. Example: Westfall - Defias Pillager. This naming enables querying npcs by zone, very useful in dungeons.



ChanceSupportAction and ChanceRangedAttack - Chance at each spell list tick in combat (1200ms) for the action with SPELL_LIST_FLAG_SUPPORT_ACTION (1) or SPELL_LIST_FLAG_RANGED_ACTION (2) set respectively. If multiple are set, always one spell is selected. During melee mode, ranged attack chance is -50. The 1200ms loop has been checked on official servers and will intentionally make the AI less responsive and less impactful on performance. EAI has a 500ms tick rate on timers, however that is not an issue due to it needing a finer control. A normal spell list entry should never have more than 10 spells, since that was an official limitation

The creature_spell_targeting table

holds mostly hardcoded targeting types for creature_spell_list.TargetId


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
Id int(11) NO Primary Key 0 Targeting ID
Type int(11) NO NO 0 Type of targeting ID (Hardcoded (0) / Attack (1) / Support (2))
Param1 int(11) NO NO 0 First parameter
Param2 int(11) NO NO 0 Second parameter
Param3 int(11) NO NO 0 Third parameter
UnitCondition int(11) NO NO 0
Comments varchar(255) NO NO Empty String Description of target


Spell Targeting ID - Ids below 100 are reserved for future use with hardcoded targets.


Hardcoded/Attack/Support - Hardcoded dont need additional parameters


Type 1 - Attack: Param1 - enum AttackingTarget

enum AttackingTarget
    ATTACKING_TARGET_RANDOM = 0,                            // Just selects a random target
    ATTACKING_TARGET_TOPAGGRO,                              // Selects targes from top aggro to bottom
    ATTACKING_TARGET_BOTTOMAGGRO,                           // Selects targets from bottom aggro to top
    ATTACKING_TARGET_NEAREST_BY,                            // Selects the nearest by target
    ATTACKING_TARGET_FARTHEST_AWAY,                         // Selects the farthest away target

Type 2 - Support: Param1 - Minimum missing health or health% if Param2 = 1


Type 1 - Attack: Param2 - Number of positions from the top of the threat list to be skipped.

Type 2 - Support: Param2 - 0 or 1, 0 if minimum missing is flat health and 1 if minimum missing is percentage.


Type 1 - Attack: Param3 - enum SelectFlags

enum SelectFlags
    SELECT_FLAG_IN_LOS								=   0x0001, // 1 Default Selection Requirement for Spell-targets
    SELECT_FLAG_PLAYER								=   0x0002, // 2
    SELECT_FLAG_POWER_MANA							=   0x0004, // 4 For Energy based spells, like manaburn
    SELECT_FLAG_POWER_RAGE							=   0x0008, // 8
    SELECT_FLAG_POWER_ENERGY							=   0x0010, // 16
    SELECT_FLAG_UNUSED_1							=   0x0020, // 32 UNUSED
    SELECT_FLAG_IN_MELEE_RANGE							=   0x0040, // 64
    SELECT_FLAG_NOT_IN_MELEE_RANGE						=   0x0080, // 128
    SELECT_FLAG_HAS_AURA							=   0x0100, // 256
    SELECT_FLAG_NOT_AURA							=   0x0200, // 512
    SELECT_FLAG_RANGE_RANGE							=   0x0400, // 1024 For direct targeted abilities like charge or frostbolt but need custom data
    SELECT_FLAG_RANGE_AOE_RANGE							=   0x0800, // 2048 For AOE targeted abilities like frost nova but need custom data
    SELECT_FLAG_POWER_NOT_MANA							=   0x1000, // 4096 Used in some dungeon encounters
    SELECT_FLAG_USE_EFFECT_RADIUS						=   0x2000, // 8192 For AOE targeted abilities which have correct data in effect index 0
    SELECT_FLAG_SKIP_TANK							=   0x4000, // 16384 Not GetVictim - tank is not always top threat
    SELECT_FLAG_CASTING								=   0x8000, // 32768 Selects only targets that are casting
    SELECT_FLAG_SKIP_CUSTOM							=  0x10000, // 65536 skips custom target
    SELECT_FLAG_NOT_IMMUNE							=  0x20000, // 131072
    SELECT_FLAG_USE_EFFECT_RADIUS_OF_TRIGGERED_SPELL				=  0x40000  // 262144 For AOE targeted abilities which have correct data in triggered spell effect index 0

Type 2 - Support: Param2 - Param3 - 0 or 1, 0 if self should not be eligible.


unit_condition.Id - evaluated on target


Description of target in format: Type - Use.

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