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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

shnibble edited this page Nov 24, 2014 · 26 revisions

What should I do when I encounter a problem?

In general, read the log file and see if you can work out the problem from there on your own; if you can't, seek out help in IRC (#cmangos channel) or on the forums. Every application generates a log file somewhere that can be opened and reviewed.

  • For compile problems: Look into the log, on *nix you can create a log with make > compile.log 2>&1
  • For problems with the server: Look for the file, Server.log, in your server's home directory.

I'm a beginner, where should I get started?

See the Beginner's Guide.

How do I install CMaNGOS?

See the Installation Instructions.

My server has errors when I try to start it, what should I do?

First you should review the Installation Instructions again to be sure you didn't miss any steps and that every step was done according to the instructions.

Second, search the forums for an solution (most errors have been encounter before and so there is usually a thread someone on the forums discussing it).

Third, if you can't find any answers, seek out help in IRC (#cmangos channel) or on the forums.

I cannot login to my server, what should I do?

If your server is running and you just can't connect to it then there are several possible issues:

  • Ensure that the realmd application is running; if not, start it up and check for errors if it doesn't stay open.

  • Ensure that the mangosd application is running; if not, start it up and check for errors if it doesn't stay open.

  • Make sure that the following fields from the realmlist table (realmd database) match up to their corresponding values in your mangosd.conf configuration file:

    realmlist mangosd.conf
    id RealmID
    port WorldServerPort
  • Make sure that your file in your game client folder is set to the address of your server. The content of the file should only have three phrases:

    set realmlist address

    • If the server is on the same computer as the client then you can just use "" as the address:

    set realmlist

    • Otherwise the address should be the same as the "address" field from the realmlist table (realmd database).
  • Ensure that the user account you are trying to log in with is created:

    • See the Installation Instructions.
    • To add an account, type the below line directly into the server command prompt (mangosd) replacing $accountName with the name of the account and $accountPassword with the password to be used:
      account create $accountName $accountPassword
  • Don't use email addresses as a username.

  • Delete or rename wow.mfil and wow.tfil files.

  • ONLY use wow.exe to start up the client, NEVER use launcher.exe (client versions 4.x and up require wow.exe to be patched prior as well).

My client still connects to a different host/address

  • Add in your /WTF/ file: (SET realmlist "") before (SET accountName "youraccount")

MaNGOSd or/and Realmd instantly closes when I start them!

  • Run mangos in command line instead, if you have git bash that's also fine. Then you will see the on-screen error output and be able to continue from there.
  • Make sure there are no other processes using the required ports (default 8085 & 3724).

I play TBC or WotLK and cannot access the Blood Elves, Draenei, Worgen or Goblins

I play WotLK/Cata and cannot access the Death Knight

  • You need to the expansion of your account to 2 or 3 (2 for TBC, 3 for Cata)
  • You need to level a character to level 55 OR
  • Change the config option "MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating" in your mangosd.conf OR
  • Set your account to be a GM Account (see next question)

How can I use GM commands?

Npcs directly evade when I try to attack

All Npcs are friendly or neutral

All Gameobjects around me sparkle

  • You need to turn GM mode off: .gm off
  • Maybe you still have invisibility on, try .gm visi on

How to Update?

Updating the source code

  • Open a Git Bash (see Installation Instructions) in your C:\Mangos or ~/mangos (or your base directory)
  • cd mangos (This assumes you followed the Installation Instructions, and the directory where your sources are is located in C:\Mangos\mangos or ~/Mangos/mangos
  • Invoke git pull to update
  • cd src/bindings/ScriptDev2 (This step and the next only if you also want to update SD2 and you had it installed)
  • Invoke git pull

Compiling and installing the update

Fetching new content from the database provider

  • This depends on your database provider, you might want to update your SVN or Git clone of the database

Updating the database

  • Even if your Database provider did not ship new updates, you still might have to update your database content due to core changes.

  • In this case the easiest process is to rerun the installer script from your DB-provider

  • If you don't want to reset the database to a clean state (for example because you added some custom things), then you might need to update manually.

  • To check if you need a manual update, just start the mangosd and check if a database error on start is printed.

  • If it is, read the error message carefully (you can read it more easily from the file Server.log)

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