This repository holds the code used in the talk "BLE and Python - How to build a simple BLE project on Linux with Python" at PyConDE 2023.
The example code is tested with Python 3.8 and Bluez 5.65.
To run the code just run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can now use an external app or tool on another machine to check if you can see the device under "pycon_ble_demo".
All of the following commands have to be run in parallel in a separate terminal window on the same machine.
To see all DBUS commands you can run the following command:
sudo dbus-monitor --system "destination='org.bluez'" "sender='org.bluez'"
To see the HCI traces of all messages you can run:
sudo btmon
I'm happy if you have ideas or suggestions on how to improve this little example. Please open either an issue or a pull-request for this.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE for more information.
Copyright (c) 2023 Bruno Vollmer.