This is how to setup this version of graphserver to work with OSM data to create a bike routing server. The instructions below create a server running 9 instances of graphserver to do bike routing on a variety of hill and safety scenarios for the San Francisco Bay Area. Modify as needed.
You can see a live implementation and more documentation here:
If you want to use Amazon EC2 to host graphserver, here are the steps
- Create an EC2 instance "amzn-ami-pv-2016.03.1.x86_64-ebs (ami-8ff710e2)"
- Create a 60 gig volume in the same zone as your instance
- Mount the volume to a directory sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdf sudo mkdir /mnt/bayarea sudo mount /dev/sdf /mnt/bayarea
sudo mkswap /dev/xvdg
sudo swapon /dev/xvdg
sudo yum install git gcc gcc-c++ python-setuptools python-devel python-pip java-1.8.0
git clone
cd bikesy-server/pygs
sudo python install
mkdir ~/downloads
cd ~/downloads
gunzip spatialindex-src-1.8.5.tar.gz
tar -xvf spatialindex-src-1.8.5.tar
cd spatialindex-src-1.8.5
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
sudo /sbin/ldconfig
sudo pip install RTree
mkdir ~/downloads/osmosis
cd ~/downloads/osmosis
chmod a+x bin/osmosis
Download data for the US states you want
cd /mnt/bayarea
bunzip2 california-latest.osm.bz2
If you are supporting more than one state, you'll need to merge it.
~/downloads/osmosis/bin/osmosis --rx california-latest.osm --rx nevada-latest.osm --merge --wx california-nevada.osm
Choose your bounding box - for example:
Bay Area: 38.317,-123.029 : 37.3064,-121.637 38.064476, -122.769606 : 37.459723, -121.611723
The Mission: 37.772,-122.428 : 37.733,-122.4
San Francisco: 37.9604,-122.5772 : 37.6746,-122.1151
Lake Tahoe: 39.368232, -120.345042 : 38.750276, -119.659482
Use Osmosis to cut out just the OSM data within your bounding box. Be sure to use the completeWays=yes
option for bounding-box
For now, San Francisco has been set up to reject certain surface types, but Tahoe has been set up to accept certain surface types. Ways without a Surface tag are included in the former case but excluded in the latter case.
Bay Area:
~/downloads/osmosis/bin/osmosis --read-xml california-latest.osm --bounding-box left=-122.769606 bottom=37.459723 right=-121.611723 top=38.064476 completeWays=yes --tf accept-ways highway=* --tf reject-ways surface=dirt,grass,clay,sand,earth,pebblestone,ground,grass_paver,unpaved,woodchips,snow,ice,salt --write-xml bayarea.osm
The Mission:
~/downloads/osmosis/bin/osmosis --read-xml california-latest.osm --bounding-box left=-122.428 bottom=37.733 right=-122.4 top=37.772 completeWays=yes --tf accept-ways highway=* --tf reject-ways surface=dirt,grass,clay,sand,earth,pebblestone,ground,grass_paver,unpaved,woodchips,snow,ice,salt --write-xml bayarea.osm
Lake Tahoe:
~/downloads/osmosis/bin/osmosis --read-xml california-nevada.osm --bounding-box left=-120.345042 bottom=38.750276 right=-119.659482 top=39.368232 completeWays=yes --tf accept-ways highway=* --tf accept-ways surface=paved,asphalt,concrete,wood --write-xml tahoe.osm
gs_osmdb_compile bayarea.osm bayarea.osmdb
gs_osmdb_compile tahoe.osm tahoe.osmdb
python pygs/graphserver/ext/osm/ bayarea.osm bayarea.osmdb
mkdir elevation
a) Download highest quality DEM available from, in GridFloat format
- click "Download Data"
- select "Coordinates" and enter in your bounding box and click "Draw AOI"
- Unselect everything except 1/3 arc-second DEM, in GridFloat format
- It will give you several downloads, corresponding to different sections of the requested area. Download them all.
b) Unzip the gridfloats into their own folder
Pass in each of the .flt files you downloaded above that cover every part of the area that you'd like route on.
Bay Area:
python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ bayarea.osmdb bayarea.profiledb 10 elevation/04507044/04507044.flt elevation/06932766/06932766.flt elevation/26582513/26582513.flt elevation/55614802/55614802.flt elevation/59476301/59476301.flt elevation/77723440/77723440.flt elevation/82362642/82362642.flt elevation/94430404/94430404.flt
python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ tahoe.osmdb tahoe.profiledb 10 elevation/n39w120/floatn39w120_13.flt elevation/n39w121/floatn39w121_13.flt elevation/n40w120/floatn40w120_13.flt elevation/n40w121/floatn40w121_13.flt
sudo python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/
Specify the weights you'd like to apply to each link type
Bay Area: gs_compile_gdb -o bayarea.osmdb -p bayarea.profiledb -s "motorway:100" -s "motorway_link:100" -s "trunk:1.2" -s "trunk_link:1.2" -s "primary:1.1" -s "primary_link:1.1" -s "secondary:1" -s "secondary_link:1" -s "residential:1" -s "living_street:1" -s "steps:3" -s "track:1.1" -s "pedestrian:1.1" -s "path:1.1" -s "cycleway:0.9" -c "lane:0.9" -c "track:0.9" -c "path:0.9" -b "designated:0.9" -b "yes:0.9" -r "bicycle:0.9" -a "private:100" -a "no:100" bayarea.gdb
Tahoe Low: gs_compile_gdb -o tahoe.osmdb -p tahoe.profiledb -s "motorway:100" -s "motorway_link:100" -s "trunk:1.2" -s "trunk_link:1.2" -s "primary:1.1" -s "primary_link:1.1" -s "secondary:1" -s "secondary_link:1" -s "residential:1" -s "living_street:1" -s "steps:3" -s "track:1.1" -s "pedestrian:1.1" -s "path:0.8" -s "cycleway:0.8" -c "lane:0.9" -c "track:0.9" -c "path:0.8" -b "designated:0.9" -b "yes:0.9" -r "bicycle:0.9" -a "private:100" -a "no:100" tahoe.gdb
Tahoe High: gs_compile_gdb -o tahoe.osmdb -p tahoe.profiledb -s "motorway:100" -s "motorway_link:100" -s "trunk:1.5" -s "trunk_link:1.5" -s "primary:1.4" -s "primary_link:1.4" -s "secondary:1.2" -s "secondary_link:1.2" -s "residential:.9" -s "living_street:.9" -s "steps:2" -s "track:.9" -s "pedestrian:1" -s "path:0.5" -s "cycleway:0.5" -c "lane:0.6" -c "track:0.6" -c "path:0.5" -b "designated:0.6" -b "yes:0.6" -r "bicycle:0.6" -a "private:100" -a "no:100" tahoe.gdb
-s - specifies an OSM highway key -c - specifies an OSM cycleway key -b - specifies an OSM bicycle key -r - specifies an OSM route key -a - specifies an OSM access key
For each set of contraction hierarchy graphs, edit the WalkOptions numbers in to suit your preferences, then: python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ ./bayarea
python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ ./tahoe
python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ ./bayarea
python ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner/ ./tahoe
cd ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner
cp config-example.json config.json
Edit config.json
as needed.
sudo python -m pip install uwsgi
sudo yum install nginx
sudo vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Find the location / section, and change it to as follow:
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
sudo service nginx start
sudo chkconfig nginx on
sudo touch /var/log/uwsgi.log
sudo chmod 777 /var/log/uwsgi.log
cd ~/bikesy-server/misc/tripplanner && uwsgi --yaml ./routeserver.yaml
To see what is going on, tail the logs:
tail /var/log/uwsgi.log -f
sudo service nginx stop
sudo kill -INT `cat /tmp/`
killall -s INT uwsgi
These steps are going to depend on your region
Set the OSM_REGION_FILE as needed:
export OSM_REGION_FILE="bayarea.osm"
export OSM_REGION_FILE="tahoe.osm"
Also, for tahoe, change `bicycle=designated,yes` to only `bicycle=designated`. The OSM data in Tahoe has been cleaned such that all ways that we want to include on the map are tagged with `bicycle=designated.`
export ALLOWED_BICYCLE_TAGS="desginated,yes"
export ALLOWED_BICYCLE_TAGS="designated"
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=path --tf accept-ways bicycle=$ALLOWED_BICYCLE_TAGS --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class1-1.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=cycleway --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class1-2.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=footway --tf accept-ways bicycle=$ALLOWED_BICYCLE_TAGS --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class1-3.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml class1-1.osm --rx class1-2.osm --rx class1-3.osm --merge --merge --wx class1.osm
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=residential,unclassified,tertiary,secondary,primary,trunk --tf accept-ways cycleway=lane --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class2-1.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=residential,unclassified,tertiary,secondary,primary,trunk --tf accept-ways cycleway:left=lane --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class2-2.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=residential,unclassified,tertiary,secondary,primary,trunk --tf accept-ways cycleway:right=lane --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class2-3.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml class2-1.osm --rx class2-2.osm --rx class2-3.osm --merge --merge --wx class2.osm
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways lcn=yes --tf reject-ways bicycle=designated --tf reject-ways highway=footway --tf reject-ways cycleway=lane --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class3-1.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml $OSM_REGION_FILE --tf accept-ways highway=residential,unclassified,tertiary,secondary,primary,trunk --tf accept-ways cycleway=shared_lane --tf reject-ways cycleway=lane --tf reject-relations --used-node --write-xml class3-2.osm &&
osmosis --read-xml class3-1.osm --rx class3-2.osm --merge --wx class3.osm
Install osmtogeojson:
npm install -g osmtogeojson
Convert files:
osmtogeojson class1.osm > class1.geojson &&
osmtogeojson class2.osm > class2.geojson &&
osmtogeojson class3.osm > class3.geojson
Install simplify-geojson and minify-geojson:
npm install -g simplify-geojson minify-geojson
Simplify and minify the files:
cat class1.geojson | simplify-geojson -t 0.00001 > class1.simple.geojson &&
minify-geojson -w "name" -c 5 class1.simple.geojson &&
cat class2.geojson | simplify-geojson -t 0.00001 > class2.simple.geojson &&
minify-geojson -w "name" -c 5 class2.simple.geojson &&
cat class3.geojson | simplify-geojson -t 0.00001 > class3.simple.geojson &&
minify-geojson -w "name" -c 5 class3.simple.geojson
These files will contain extraneous point features in addition to the lines we want. Open each file in QGIS, selecting only line layers and ignoring the points. Then right click each layer and export it to a new geojson file. Save the new geojson file into the data directory so that it can be served to the frontend, with name classN.geojson.
Brendan Martin Anderson wrote graphserver, the underlying system that handles the bike routing.