Get OS release info from the node os
module and, for Linux releases, from the '/etc/os-release'
, /usr/lib/os-release
, or /etc/alpine-release
file. If none of those files exists it returns only the node os
module info (platform, hostname, release, and arch)
- Lightweight without any dependencies (only native Node modules)
- Synchronous, callback, or promise - choose how you want to use it.
npm install --save linux-os-info
const osInfo = require('linux-os-info')
// the example presumes running some flavor of linux.
// synchronous - use an options argument with {mode: 'sync'}
var result = osInfo({mode: 'sync'})
console.log(`You are using ${result.pretty_name} on a ${result.arch} machine`)
// asynchronous - pass a function as the mode
osInfo({mode: function (err, result) {
console.log(`You are using ${result.pretty_name} on a ${result.arch} machine`)
// promise - no arguments or no mode specified
.then(result => {
console.log(`You are using ${result.pretty_name} on a ${result.arch} machine`)
.catch(err => console.error(`Error reading OS release info: ${err}`))
On my machine all three versions output:
You are using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a x64 machine
The API completely changed from version 1. The single, optional argument is an options object.
v1: osInfo({synchronous: true})
v2: osInfo({mode: 'sync'})
v1: osInfo(function (err, data) {...})
v2: osInfo({mode: function (err, data) (...)})
v2 NEVER returns errors (unless there is an internal error). The data object returned now has a file property which holds the file that was read (one of those in the list above). If no file was read it holds an instance of Error
. Because node's os
information is always returned the file data is considered optional.
These example outputs are courtesy of Samuel Carreira. His (linux-release-info)[] combined with my wanting a synchronous version were the inspiration for this package.
v2 note: the file
property is not shown in these examples.
{ type: 'Linux',
platform: 'linux',
hostname: 'VirtualBoxLINUX',
arch: 'x64',
release: '4.13.0-32-generic',
name: 'Ubuntu',
version: '17.10 (Artful Aardvark)',
id: 'ubuntu',
id_like: 'debian',
pretty_name: 'Ubuntu 17.10',
version_id: '17.10',
home_url: '',
support_url: '',
bug_report_url: '',
privacy_policy_url: '',
version_codename: 'artful',
ubuntu_codename: 'artful' }
Linux (Raspberry Pi)
{ type: 'Linux',
platform: 'linux',
hostname: 'raspberrypi',
arch: 'arm',
release: '4.9.59-v7+',
pretty_name: 'Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)',
name: 'Raspbian GNU/Linux',
version_id: '9',
version: '9 (stretch)',
id: 'raspbian',
id_like: 'debian',
home_url: '',
support_url: '',
bug_report_url: '' }
Linux (Fedora)
{ type: 'Linux',
platform: 'linux',
hostname: 'localhost-live',
arch: 'x64',
release: '4.13.9-300.fc27.x86_64',
name: 'Fedora',
version: '27 (Workstation Edition)',
id: 'fedora',
version_id: '27',
pretty_name: 'Fedora 27 (Workstation Edition)',
ansi_color: '0;34',
cpe_name: 'cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:27',
home_url: '',
support_url: '',
bug_report_url: '',
redhat_bugzilla_product: 'Fedora',
redhat_bugzilla_product_version: '27',
redhat_support_product: 'Fedora',
redhat_support_product_version: '27',
privacy_policy_url: '',
variant: 'Workstation Edition',
variant_id: 'workstation' }
{ type: 'Windows_NT',
platform: 'win32',
hostname: 'MYPC',
arch: 'x64',
release: '10.0.16299' }
{ type: 'Darwin',
platform: 'darwin',
hostname: 'Macbook-Air.home',
arch: 'x64',
release: '16.0.0' }
If you want info about Windows or Mac releases, you can try the following modules from sindresorhus: or
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