- Ruby 2.5.3
- RubyGems 2.7.7
- Bundler 1.17.1
- PostgreSQL 9.6 (some features will not work in other db)
- nginx
- gettext
- curl
- sphinx search engine
- node.js
- /usr/bin/md5sum from coreutils
- git
- memcached
- redis
- graphviz
- rpm
- rpm2cpio
- bzip2
- GNU coreutils
- GNU cpio
bundle install
bin/rake secret
bin/rake gettext:pack
bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails db:seed
bundle exec rake sisyphus:update
bundle exec rake sisyphus:teams
bundle exec rake sisyphus:bugs
bundle exec rake sisyphus:repocops
bundle exec rake sisyphus:repocop_patches
bundle exec rake gear:import
bundle exec rake perlwatch:update
bundle exec rake ftbfs:update
bundle exec rake sisyphusarm:srpms
bundle exec rake sisyphusarm:binary
bundle exec rake p8:update
bundle exec rake p7:update
bundle exec rake t7:update
bundle exec rake p6:update
bundle exec rake t6:update
bundle exec rake p5:update
bundle exec rake 51:update
bundle exec rake 51:teams
bundle exec rake 50:update
bundle exec rake 50:teams
bundle exec rake 41:update
bundle exec rake 41:teams
bundle exec rake 40:update
bundle exec rake 40:teams
bundle exec rake redis:cache
bundle exec rake ts:start
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
redis-server redis.conf
service postgresql start
memcached -d -m 128
(as a user)
bundle exec cap production deploy
Prometheus 2.0 uses the MIT license. Please check the MIT-LICENSE file for more details.