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Simple PowerShell script as a helper or tool to help you create Hyper-V VM


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Create Hyper-V VM with Powershell Script

> Austin.Lai |
> -----------| October 26th, 2023
> -----------| Updated on October 26th, 2023

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This project/repository is for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. The usual disclaimer applies, especially the fact that me (Austin) is not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of the information or functionality provided by these programs. The author or any Internet provider bears NO responsibility for content or misuse of these programs or any derivatives thereof. By using these programs you accept the fact that any damage (data loss, system crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use of these programs is not Austin responsibility.


Simple PowerShell script as a helper or tool to help you create Hyper-V VM.


The create_hyper-v_vm.ps1 file can be found here or below:

Click here to expand and check out the powershell script !!!
function Check-IsElevated {
  $id = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
  $p = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($id)
  if ($p.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
    Write-Output $true
  else {
    Write-Output $false

# Define the function to create hyper-v vm
function Create_HyperV_VM {

    # Preperation to create hyper-v vm

    Import-Module Hyper-V

    # Set VM parameters

    do {

        # Prompt the user to provide a name for the VM
        $vmName = Read-Host "`n Enter the name for the VM you want to provision "

        if ($vmName -ne "") {

        else {

            # Invalid input, display an error message and repeat the loop
            Write-Host "`n [:::Warning:::] You have not given a name for the VM. " -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed

    while ($true)

    do {

        # Prompt the user to enter the amount of RAM/Memory you want to provision in GB for the VM
        $vmMemoryStartupBytes = Read-Host "`n Enter the amount of RAM/Memory you want to provision in GB. Please include GB in your input (e.g. 2GB). "

        if ($vmMemoryStartupBytes -ne "") {

        else {

            # Invalid input, display an error message and repeat the loop
            Write-Host "`n [:::Warning:::] You have not given the amount of RAM/Memory you want to provision in GB for the VM. Please include GB in your input (e.g. 2GB). " -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed

    while ($true)

    do {

        # Prompt the user to enter the number of Virtual Processor you want to provision for the VM
        $vmProcessorCount = Read-Host "`n Enter the number of Virtual Processor you want to provision "

        if ($vmProcessorCount -ne "") {

        else {

            # Invalid input, display an error message and repeat the loop
            Write-Host "`n [:::Warning:::] You have not given the number of Virtual Processor you want to provision for the VM. " -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed

    while ($true)

    $default_VM_SwitchName1 = "Default Switch"

    $vmSwitchName1 = Read-Host -Prompt "`n Enter the network adapter you want to connect for this VM or press `"Enter`" to use the default network adapter ( $default_VM_SwitchName1 ) "

    if ($vmSwitchName1 -eq "") {

        $vmSwitchName1 = $default_VM_SwitchName1

    # Define the default path and Smart Paging File Loaction where the vm will be stored
    $defaultVMLocation = "C:\virtual-machines-storage\$vmName"

    # Prompt user to enter the path where the vm will be stored
    $vmLocation = Read-Host -Prompt "`n Enter the path where you want to store the VM or press `"Enter`" to use the default path ( $defaultVMLocation )"

    if ($vmLocation -eq "") {

        $vmLocation = $defaultVMLocation


    $smartPagingFilePath = $vmLocation

    Write-Host "`n [:::Information:::] The VM will be stored at: `"$vmLocation`" " -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black 

    # Create the VM directory if it doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $vmLocation)) {

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Confirm -Path $vmLocation

    # Prompt user if user want to use existing VHDX or create new VHDX for the VM
    $VHDXPath = Read-Host -Prompt "`n Enter the path where your existing VHDX is stored or press `"Enter`" if you want to create a new VHDX "

    if ($VHDXPath -ne "") {
        # Copy the existing vhdx file to $vmLocation folder
        Copy-Item -Confirm -Verbose $VHDXPath $vmLocation

        $NewvhdxFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $vmLocation -Filter "*.vhdx*").FullName

    } else {

        # Specify the path for the new VHDX file
        $VHDXPath = "$vmLocation\$vmName.vhdx"

        # Prompt user if user want to specify the size of VHDX in GB
        $VHDXSizeGB = Read-Host -Prompt "`n Enter the size of VHDX in GB. Please include GB in your input (e.g. 20GB). "

        # Create a new VHDX file
        # New-VHD -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes ($VHDXSizeGB * 1GB) -Fixed
        New-VHD -Path $VHDXPath -SizeBytes $VHDXSizeGB -Fixed

        $NewvhdxFilePath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $vmLocation -Filter "*$vmName*").FullName


    # Create the VM
    New-VM -Name $vmName -MemoryStartupBytes $vmMemoryStartupBytes -Generation 2 -Path $vmLocation -VHDPath $NewvhdxFilePath

    # Configure the VM

    Set-VMProcessor -VMName $vmName -Count $vmProcessorCount

    # Disable Dynamic Memory
    Set-VMMemory -VMName $vmName -DynamicMemoryEnabled $false

    # Add network adapters

    Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -SwitchName $vmSwitchName1

    $default_VM_SwitchName2 = ""

    $vmSwitchName2 = Read-Host -Prompt "`n Enter the network adapter if there is additional network adapter you want to connect for this VM. If not, then leave it blank by pressing `"Enter`" "

    if ($vmSwitchName2 -eq "") {

        $vmSwitchName2 = $default_VM_SwitchName2
    } else {

        Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -SwitchName $vmSwitchName2


    # Enable Secure Boot
    Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vmName -EnableSecureBoot On

    # Configure SmartPagingFilePath for the vm
    Set-VM -Name $vmName -SmartPagingFilePath $smartPagingFilePath
    $vmStatus1 = $?

    # Configure CheckpointSnapshotFileLocation for the vm
    Set-VM -Name $vmName -CheckpointType Production -SnapshotFileLocation $vmLocation
    $vmStatus2 = $?

    # Clean-up
    if ($vmStatus1 -and $vmStatus2) {
        Write-Host "`n [:::Information:::] `"$vmName`" has been created and configured." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black

    } else {

        Write-Host "`n [:::Warning:::] The SmartPagingFilePath or Checkpoint-SnapshotFileLocation for `"$vmName`" was not configure correctly." -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed



if (Check-IsElevated) {


else {

  # prompt the user to use elevated powershell and exit the script
  Write-Host "`n [:::Warning:::] Please run this script as Administrator.`n" -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor Black




Simple PowerShell script as a helper or tool to help you create Hyper-V VM





