Cross-platform high performance efficient module-based framework for developing and deploying hardware accelerated graphical desktop applications using modern C++20.
The project aims to provide developers with the best possible experience (including, but not limited to: dependency management, packaging, ui building, styling, debugger visualizing).
Documentation | Getting started | Roadmap | News | Discussions
If you are using Linux, install following dependencies:
sudo apt install pkg-config libfontconfig-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libxrandr-dev libglew-dev libstdc++-static libpulse-dev libdbus-1-dev
sudo dnf install fontconfig-devel libXi libglvnd-devel libstdc++-static glew-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel
To link AUI to your project, use the following CMake script:
# Standard routine
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
# Tip: in a production project don't use branch name, use a specific name tag (i.e. v1.1.1),
# but for a sandbox project branch name is perfectly enough
set(AUI_VERSION master)
# Use AUI.Boot
# import AUI
COMPONENTS core views
# Create the executable. This function automatically links all sources from the src/ folder,
# creates CMake target and places the resulting executable to bin/ folder.
# Link required libs
aui_link(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE aui::core aui::views)
#include <AUI/Platform/Entry.h>
#include <AUI/Platform/AWindow.h>
#include <AUI/Util/UIBuildingHelpers.h>
#include <AUI/View/ALabel.h>
#include <AUI/View/AButton.h>
#include <AUI/Platform/APlatform.h>
using namespace declarative;
auto w = _new<AWindow>("Window title", 300_dp, 200_dp);
w->setContents(Centered {
Vertical {
Centered { Label { "Hello world from AUI!" } },
Centered {
Button { "Visit GitHub page" }.clicked(w, [] {
return 0;
Visit layout building page and our introduction guide for more info.
Optionally, you can use one of our IDE plugins to set up the project.
- Extended common types (containers, strings, streams, etc...)
- Graphical User Interfaces, including framework tools for fast declarative UI producing using modern C++ capabilities
- Resource compiler (assets)
- Internationalization (i18n)
- DPI support
- CMake deployment scripts
- Model binding
- Encryption
- IO streams
- Networking, including http(s) requests
- Both asynchronous and synchronous application architecture support
- basic types (containers, strings, streams, etc...)aui.crypt
- wrapper around OpenSSL for encryption functionalityaui.curl
- wrapper around libcurl for http/https requestsaui.image
- popular image format loaderaui.json
- networkingaui.toolbox
- resource compileraui.uitests
- UI testing based on GTestaui.views
- UI toolkitaui.xml
- XML parser
equals unsupported?
equals planned+
equals almost completely supported#
equals fully supported
Feature or module | Windows Vista+ | Windows XP | Linux | Android | MacOS | iOS |
aui.core | # | # | # | # | # | # |
aui.crypt | # | # | # | # | # | # |
aui.curl | # | # | # | # | # | # |
aui.image | # | # | # | # | # | # |
aui.json | # | # | # | # | # | # | | # | # | # | # | + | + |
aui.toolbox | # | # | # | - | # | - |
aui.views | # | ? | + | + | + | + |
aui.xml | # | # | # | # | # | # |
Assets | # | # | # | # | + | + |
Filesystem | # | # | # | # | + | + |
Process creation | # | # | # | - | ? | - |
Compiler | Support |
MSVC 19+ (Visual Studio 20+) | Full |
gcc (8+) | Full |
MinGW (8+) | Won't compile |
Cross-compile MinGW | Won't compile |
clang | Full |
- libcurl for http/https requests
- OpenSSL for encryption
as graphics hardware acceleration backend- glm for linear algebra
- stbimage for image loading
- freetype2 for font rendering
- LunaSVG for SVG rendering
- GTest for unit testing
- Google Benchmark for benchmark testing
Check the examples/
Please refer to LICENSE.
Our project is published under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the License). In short, you can use AUI for free in your private (i.e, that does not go outside your company) projects.
If you would like to publish your project (including, but not limited to: sell, sign, release in software stores like Google Play or App Store), does not matter open source, closed source or proprietary, the License obligates you to:
- Mention your project uses "AUI Framework" in your legal notice.
- Release your changes to AUI (if any) under the same terms (the License).
As for the latter, you are welcome to upstream your changes (i.e., propose your changes to this repository). If you decided to not do so, please keep in mind that the License allows us to take your changes and upstream them.
You are not obligated to disclose your own sources nor release your own project under the same terms (License).
The AUI framework is maintained by Alexey Titov (Alex2772, alex2772sc 'at' with contributions from many other people.
Let us know if your contribution is not listed or mentioned incorrectly, and we'll make it right.
You are welcome to open issues and pull requests on our GitHub repository. This project is maintained by a team of volunteers on a reasonable-effort basis. As such, we can accept your issue, but we can't guarantee resolution. It's all depends on severity and our own needs. In fact, we'd be happy if you submit a pull request. In this case we'll do our best to help you merge your changes to upstream.
Please refer to