A GUI webapp tool for quickly generating html markup for tables.
Download the repo, unzip it and open index.html or view the github page
Helped save my ass with the regex that handles CSV imports!
The font is Courier Prime Sans from quote unquote apps.
Courier Prime Sans is licensed under SIL Open Font License (OFL).
All icons are from icomoon
- menu
- menu2
- menu3
- menu4
- paragraph-left
- paragraph-center
- paragraph-right
Contrast group A contrasts with group B and vice versa (WCAG 2.1 AAA @ regular text (>= 7:1 18pt)).
- #202020 very dark grey (group A)
- #5A524C dark grey
- #D4BE98 light kind of brownish (group B)
- #EDE4D4 very light brownish (groub B)
- #DA9AAC light purpleish pinkish (group B)
- #8DB686 minty green (group B)
- #D8A657 butterscotch
- #A4B162 grass
- #EA6962 strawberry
- #E78A4E yummy orange
- #2F7B97 blue coconut
1.0.0 stable