Proof-of-concept telegram bots platform.
Look at data/bots.json
- it is object of <bot_token>:<bot_description> pairs. You can create telegram bot with botFather and obtain <bot_token> there (it is 46-letter string).
It uses webhooks to get updates from Telegram. To set up right server (where this software started) your should start from browser<bot-token>/setWebhook?url=<server-url>/message?bot=<bot-token>
, where <bot-token>
and <server-url>
should be replaced by real values. You can check results by<bot-token>/getWebhookInfo
The main part of <bot_description> is wf
section. Bot is finite-state machine, and wf
contains array of bot states.
Every bot state have two fields: id
and on
, which means array of <bot_event>:<bot_reaction> pairs. Event can be message from user for instance, and reaction can be array of actions like goto state 1
or send message to user.
Possible events: msg:XXX, enter, error, unknown, timer:YYY, external:ZZZ.
Possible actions: goto, send, deleteMsg (and one extension 'get_trial_vpn_link' to demonstrate work with external services).
Also there is global on
section wich participates in event handling among with on
section of current state of bot.
fires on message from user. At least one message from user will be recieved, it is '/start', so there should be msg:/start
event handling at global 'on' section. You can join several messages (divided bt semicolon) at one event description, for instance, 'msg:Payment;payment', which means 'if user sent "Payment" or "payment" then ...' (events are case-sensitive by the way).
fires after transition to state (after 'goto' action). So hello-world-bot (that just sends 'hello world' message to user after clicked '/start') will be like this
"1234567890:ABCdeFGhijKlMnOpqRSTuvwXyz-i7qrTsA4" : {
"on": {
"msg:/start": [{"goto":"0"}],
"wf": [{
"on" : {
"enter": [{"send": {"text" : "hello world"}}]
and unknown
fires on error and unknown event respectively (and can be omitted for beginners).
fires after 60 seconds (i.e. 60000 milliseconds) after transition to state (after 'goto' action).
fires at mentioned date or immediately if mentioned date is in the past.
Timers belongs to state where thay was defined and stops after transition to another state, if action of timer was not started by that moment.
fires after webhook named 'ZZZ' was recieved. Look at /hook
service at index.js and folder hooks
for more details.
will transfere bot to another state.
will send message to user, according to sendMessage bot API method.
can recieve one of two values: 'prev' or 'all'. 'Prev' will delete previous bot message, while 'all' will delete all sent bot messages.
gets link from external service like artemdudkin/ovpn-stats and put it as trial_vpn_link
to the chat context
so you can use this link afterwards to send it to user like this
"on" : {
"enter": [{"send":{
"text" : "You should download OpenVPN Connect app, and import this file\n\n ${trial_vpn_link}"}
"timer:1200000" : [{"send":{"text":"If you cannot connect please contact @bot_support"}}]
All user interaction history saved to data/chats.json
, so you can look through it via web interface.
Also, you can see all users that started comunication with bot.
Also, you can send message to every user as admin (from web interface).