A WebApp to browse directories in a cool fashion. It is written in XQuery using RESTXQ-API of BaseX-Server-Architecture. This is a web application to be used with BaseX, to launch refer aswell to BaseX Web Applications.
Check out the project using
$ git clone git://github.com/arolle/DesktopSearch.git
And start the web server inside the project via
$ cd DesktopSearch && mvn jetty:run
Head your browser to http://admin:admin@localhost:8984/ (default credentials are admin/admin)
To create new databases representing a directory structure use the FSML project:
$ git clone git://github.com/holu/fsml.git
package it with Maven ($ mvn package
) and create the XML using
$ java -jar fsml-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [dbname] [path] [exclude-from-path]
Place the created database inside the data
folder of the DesktopSearch project. It will then be selectable as data source in the frontend.