PIQMIe is a web-based tool for reliable analysis and visualization of semi-quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics data. PIQMIe readily integrates peptide and (non-redundant) protein identifications and quantitations, as obtained by the MaxQuant/Andromeda software (Cox et al., 2008, 2011), with additional biological information from the UniProtKB database, and makes the linked data available in the form of a light-weight relational database (SQLite). Using the web interface, users are presented with a concise summary of their proteomics experiments in numerical and graphical forms, as well as with a searchable protein grid and interactive visualization tools to aid in the rapid assessment of the experiments and in the identification of proteins of interest. PIQMIe provides data access via a web interface and programmatic RESTful API.
- perl
- python
- cherrypy
- genshi
- cairo
- sqlite
- javascript/css
- jquery
- d3.js
- bootstrap
1. Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/arnikz/PIQMIe.git
2. Build and deploy web app.
docker build -t piqmie .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 piqmie
To view the sample data on your local PIQMIe instance, follow Sample Data tab and click on results.
Alternatively, upload your own data files, i.e., MaxQuant peptide (evidence.txt
) and protein (proteinGroups.txt
) lists including the sequence library in FASTA (.fa|fasta
), to the web server and click on the Submit button to process the input files. After processing, click on the generated link to view the results. Note: For each session, a new (sub)directory <DATA_DIR>/<jobID>
including I/O files will be created.