WinValgrind ( valgrind for windows ) : Resource leak tracking tool for windows.
Being a linux programmer, we often feel the need of the powerful memory leak detection tool similar to Valgrind on Windows environment also.
WinValgrind? is a resource leak tracking tool which will offer complete detection of Handle leaks, GDI objects leak & Memory leaks, with a simple to use command line user interface.
WinValgrind? takes inspiration from Valgrind and enables the user to track down memory issues without changing a single line of code.
Before building the tool you need to have some prerequisite on your computer.
Visual studio 2k10 to latest... ( I have built in vs 2k12). Debugging tools for windows. SVN client like tortoisesvn. To build the tool from source, check out the source in some local directory. Open WinValgrind?.sln and hit build solution.. Now you are ready to go :)
In the output folder you will get:
1.) WinValgrind?.exe --> command line interface utility to inject the parasite into a process.
2.) parasite.dll --> Spy DLL which hook the windows API's.
-->Enable logging for the tool by setting the value of "WINVAL_LOG" environment variable as 1.
Note : Tool is currently at initial stage of development, therefore I have yet not decided whether to go with the GUI.
Tool is very simple to use, just follow the below steps to get started..
Execute winvalgrind.exe on windows command prompt to see all command line options.
usage: winvalgrind [-gc] | [-sm ]
-gc Generate the config file template.
-sm start monitoring the process.
1.) First you need to generate the default config.xml template.
--> Execute "winvalgrind.exe -gc"
----> This command will generate the default config.xml file into the winvalgrind.exe directory.
*------------ Config.xml default template-------------------*
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Type of HOOK -->
<!-- PDB Path -->
<!-- Do not remove PDB path 1 & 2 -->
<PDBInfo1 path="C:\Users\win-valgrind\WinValgrind\Debug\" />
<PDBInfo2 path="C:\Windows\system32" />
<!-- microsoft sysmbol server -->
<PDBInfo3 path="SRV*c:\Windows\Symbols*" />
<!-- Add Monitored process symbol path -->
--> Config.xml, serves as configuration file which will be read/loaded to set the initialisation parameters for parasite.dll.
--> MonitorType tag's value define type of tracing user want to enable.
-----> MEMORY : Memory leak detection.
-----> GDI : GDI object leak detection.
-----> HANDLE: Handle leak detection.
--> PDBInfo tags define the path to the symbol file.
----> 1st pdbinfo is the path to the directory of parasite.dll.
----> 2nd is the system DLL path.
Note: path 1 & 2 are compulsory, do not remove them.
----> 3rd is the Microsoft symbol server path, which is optional.
2.) Edit the generated config.xml.
--> Set the monitor type.
--> Add the symbol path of the application you want to monitor.
3.) Start the application you want to monitor.
4.) Execute "winvalgrind.exe -sm ".
Once the monitoring starts you will see below internal command line which you can use to control the application.
Monitoring started for pid <PID>
Command options
-d Dump the leak trace.
-c Clear leaks.
-e Exit.
Basically this application works by hooking all the windows API's which are used to allocate and deallocate memory.
Now, after the hooking is complete, For each allocation of memory I save its stack in stl map address keys. Map entry for a address is only cleared if, respective deallocation function is called on that address.
at-last, all the remaining entries in map are treated as leaked once, and there stack is dumped to file.
Handle allocation APIs GDI object allocation APIs Memory allocation APIs
---------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
LoadLibraryA LoadBitmapA HeapAlloc
LoadLibraryW LoadBitmapW HeapFree
LoadLibraryExA LoadImageA HeapReAlloc
LoadLibraryExW LoadImageW VirtualAlloc
GetProcAddress CreateBitmap VirtualFree
CreateEventA CreateBitmapIndirect VirtualAllocEx
CreateEventW CreateCompatibleBitmap VirtualFreeEx
CreateEventExA CreateDIBitmap GlobalAlloc
CreateEventExW CreateDIBSection GlobalReAlloc
OpenEventA CreateDiscardableBitmap GlobalFree
OpenEventW CopyImage LocalAlloc
CreateMutexA GetIconInfo LocalReAlloc
CreateMutexW GetIconInfoExA LocalFree
CreateMutexExA GetIconInfoExA MapViewOfFile
CreateMutexExW DeleteObject MapViewOfFileEx
OpenMutexA CopyIcon UnmapViewOfFile
OpenMutexW CreateIcon CoTaskMemAlloc
CreateSemaphoreA CreateIconFromResource CoTaskMemRealloc
CreateSemaphoreW CreateIconFromResourceEx CoTaskMemFree
CreateSemaphoreExA CreateIconIndirect
CreateSemaphoreExW DestroyIcon
OpenSemaphoreA DuplicateIcon
OpenSemaphoreW ExtractAssociatedIconA
CreateWaitableTimerA ExtractAssociatedIconW
CreateWaitableTimerW ExtractAssociatedIconExA
CreateWaitableTimerExA ExtractAssociatedIconExW
CreateWaitableTimerExW ExtractIconA
OpenWaitableTimerA ExtractIconW
OpenWaitableTimerW ExtractIconExA
CreateFileA ExtractIconExW
CreateFileW LoadIconA
CreateFileTransactedA LoadIconW
CreateFileTransactedW PrivateExtractIconsA
FindFirstFileA PrivateExtractIconsW
FindFirstFileW CreateCursor
FindFirstFileExA LoadCursorA
FindFirstFileExW LoadCursorW
FindFirstFileExW LoadCursorFromFileA
FindFirstFileNameW LoadCursorFromFileW
FindFirstFileTransactedA DestroyCursor
FindFirstFileTransactedW CreateBrushIndirect
FindFirstStreamTransactedW CreateSolidBrush
FindFirstStreamW CreatePatternBrush
FindClose CreateDIBPatternBrush
OpenFileById CreateDIBPatternBrushPt
ReOpenFile CreateHatchBrush
CreateIoCompletionPort CreateCompatibleDC
CreateRestrictedToken CreateDCA
DuplicateToken CreateDCW
DuplicateTokenEx CreateICA
OpenProcessToken CreateICW
OpenThreadToken GetDC
FindFirstChangeNotificationA GetDCEx
FindFirstChangeNotificationW GetWindowDC
FindCloseChangeNotification ReleaseDC
CreateMemoryResourceNotification DeleteDC
CreateFileMappingA CreateFontA
CreateFileMappingW CreateFontW
CreateFileMappingNumaA CreateFontIndirectA
CreateFileMappingNumaW CreateFontIndirectW
OpenFileMappingA CreateMetaFileA
OpenFileMappingW CreateMetaFileW
HeapCreate CreateEnhMetaFileA
HeapDestroy CreateEnhMetaFileW
GlobalAlloc GetEnhMetaFileA
GlobalReAlloc GetEnhMetaFileW
GlobalFree GetMetaFileA
LocalAlloc GetMetaFileW
LocalReAlloc DeleteMetaFile
LocalFree DeleteEnhMetaFile
CreateProcessA CopyEnhMetaFileA
CreateProcessW CopyEnhMetaFileW
CreateProcessAsUserA CloseEnhMetaFile
CreateProcessAsUserW CloseMetaFile
CreateProcessWithLogonW CreatePen
CreateProcessWithTokenW CreatePenIndirect
OpenProcess ExtCreatePen
CreateThread PathToRegion
CreateRemoteThread CreateEllipticRgn
OpenThread CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
CreateJobObjectA CreatePolygonRgn
CreateJobObjectW CreatePolyPolygonRgn
CreateMailslotA CreateRectRgn
CreateMailslotW CreateRectRgnIndirect
CreatePipe CreateRoundRectRgn
CreateNamedPipeA ExtCreateRegion
CreateNamedPipeW CreateHalftonePalette
RegCreateKeyExA CreatePalette
--> GUI
--> Overall performance improvements.
Do you want to participate? if yes, then contact me at [email protected]