Tested on Mac OS X, though there's nothing preventing it from working elsewhere.
Demo Pre-setup (just to make it fast):
- From the directory in which you have cloned the repo:
# If k8s not already installed.
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=gce; wget -q -O - https://get.k8s.io | bash
# Preload all nodes with images and services
# (normally takes about 5 minutes, and is boring to watch)
cluster/kubectl.sh create -f demos
cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-purple --replicas=25
cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-blue --replicas=25
cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-green --replicas=25
cluster/kubectl.sh stop rc,po -l name=client
cluster/kubectl.sh create -f demos/client-purple.yml
- Show info about the cluster:
cluster/kubectl.sh cluster-info
cluster/kubectl.sh config view
Show different elements we'll be starting:
- Replication Controller & Pod:
cat demos/client-purple-rc.yml
- Service:
cat demos/client-service.yaml
- Show running pods
cluster/kubectl.sh get po -l name=client
- Show running services
cluster/kubectl.sh get se
Access the icons as a service on the service IP
- Refresh a bunch of times - try to get a different pod
- Then show the dashboard as a service - pinging two instances
cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-purple --replicas=5 cluster/kubectl.sh get po -l name=client
- Show dashboard
- Spin up spin down
cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-purple --replicas=2 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-purple --replicas=20 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-purple --replicas=6
Rolling Update
- To CLI:
cluster/kubectl.sh rolling-update client --update-period=1s -f demos/client-blue-rc.yml
- To dashboard, show rolling update
cluster/kubectl.sh create -f demos/client-green-rc.yml cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-blue --replicas=4 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-green --replicas=4 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-blue --replicas=2 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-green --replicas=6 cluster/kubectl.sh resize rc client-blue --replicas=0 cluster/kubectl.sh stop rc client-blue
Shut down container, then minion
cluster/kubectl.sh get po -l name=client gcloud compute ssh <node name> --zone=us-central1-b sudo su docker ps docker stop <container name>
- To dashboard, watch it die, watch it recover
Show spinning up on AWS:
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - https://get.k8s.io | bash