identypo is a Go static analysis tool to find typos in identifiers (functions, function calls, variables, constants, type declarations, packages, labels) including CamelCased functions, variables, etc. It is built on top of client9's misspell package.
go get -u
How is this different from
operates on raw text and comments. identypo
operates on AST identifiers (i.e. variable names, function names, etc.). Moreover, identypo
splits each camelcased identifier if necessary (MyIdentifierName turns into 'My Identifier Name') prior to analyzing whether or not it is spelled correctly. Under the hood, identypo
is using misspell's spellchecking engine to determine whether not a given word is spelled correctly.
Similar to other Go static analysis tools (such as golint, go vet), identypo can be invoked with one or more filenames, directories, or packages named by its import path. Identypo also supports the ...
wildcard. By default, it will search for typos in every identifier (functions, function calls, variables, constants, type declarations, packages, labels).
identypo [flags] files/directories/packages
- -tests (default true) - Include test files in analysis
- -i - Comma separated list of corrections to be ignored (for example, to stop corrections on "nto" and "creater", pass
). This is a direct passthrough to the misspell package. - -functions - Find typos in function declarations only.
- -constants - Find typos in constants only.
- -variables - Find typos in variables only.
- -set_exit_status (default false) - Set exit status to 1 if any issues are found.
NOTE: by default, identypo will check for typos in every identifier (functions, function calls, variables, constants, type declarations, packages, labels). In this case, no flag needs specified. Due to a lack of frequency, there are currently no flags to find only type declarations, packages, or labels.
Some examples from the Go standard library (utilizing the -i
flag to suppress some non-isses):
$ identypo -i="rela,nto,onot,alltime" ./...
cmd/trace/goroutines.go:169 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/goroutines.go:173 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/goroutines.go:175 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/goroutines.go:179 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/annotations.go:1162 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/annotations.go:1166 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/annotations.go:1168 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
cmd/trace/annotations.go:1172 "dividened" should be dividend in dividened
crypto/x509/verify.go:208 "Comparisions" should be Comparisons in MaxConstraintComparisions
crypto/x509/verify.go:585 "Comparisions" should be Comparisons in MaxConstraintComparisions
// cmd/trace/annotations.go:1162 dividened" should be dividend in dividened
"percent": func(dividened, divisor int64) template.HTML {
// crypto/x509/verify.go:208 "Comparisions" should be Comparisons in MaxConstraintComparisions
type VerifyOptions struct {
MaxConstraintComparisions int
Some selected examples from Kubernetes:
$ identypo ./...
cmd/kubeadm/app/util/apiclient/wait.go:51 "inital" should be initial in initalTimeout
pkg/apis/certificates/types.go:125 "Committment" should be Commitment in UsageContentCommittment
test/e2e_node/eviction_test.go:51 "Dissapear" should be Disappear in pressureDissapearTimeout
pkg/scheduler/scheduler_test.go:705 "Satsified" should be Satisfied in FindUnboundSatsified
pkg/kubectl/cmd/scale.go:265 "Psuedo" should be Pseudo in JobPsuedoScaler
// cmd/kubeadm/app/util/apiclient/wait.go:51 "inital" should be initial in initalTimeout
WaitForHealthyKubelet(initalTimeout time.Duration, healthzEndpoint string) error
// pkg/apis/certificates/types.go:125 "Committment" should be Commitment in UsageContentCommittment
UsageContentCommittment KeyUsage = "content commitment"
// test/e2e_node/eviction_test.go:51 "Dissapear" should be Disappear in pressureDissapearTimeout
const (
pressureDissapearTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
// pkg/scheduler/scheduler_test.go:705 "Satsified" should be Satisfied in FindUnboundSatsified
volumeBinderConfig: &persistentvolume.FakeVolumeBinderConfig{
FindUnboundSatsified: true,
// pkg/kubectl/cmd/scale.go:265 "Psuedo" should be Pseudo in JobPsuedoScaler
scaler := scalejob.JobPsuedoScaler{
JobsClient: jobsClient,
Please open an issue and/or a PR for any features/bugs.
If you've enjoyed identypo, take a look at my other static anaylsis tools!