This reposetory contains Android application code.
MiniMap is an android application that helps people help others. There are two types of Users : a Helper and a Requester.
A user that agree to help other users. He is notifid when another user ask for one.
A user that asks for aid. Send a request to the users around him.
To make helping people easier. By having a system that notify you and allowing you to help others with ease. We believe that people around the world will be more willing to aid and cause people how need the assistant will get it faster and easier.
Creating an application that notify you when someone asks for help.
A map that shows the user requests around him. connecting a Helper User to The Requster user that asks for it.
- Android Studio.
- Andriod Emulator/Device.
- Device with SDK version 28 (Android 9) or above required .
- This application was created for academic use only, we do not hold any responsibility for any faults,security issues,data loss,trust issues or any other possible kind of damage that it might create to you or to your device.
- Use it on your own risk.