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Kafka-based AI example using DayTrader

For more information on this project, see complementary article at <<INSERT LINK HERE>>

Components of this demo project

The installation of this demo project installs all of the following on IBM i:

  • DayTrader, a sample application that simulates a stock exchange
  • Apache JMeter, which can be used to stress-test the application by executing a large amount of stock trades
  • Websocket extensions for JMeter, needed for use with DayTrader
  • OpenLiberty, a server runtime (used to run DayTrader)
  • Service Commander, a utility to help manage which jobs are running
  • Apache Kafka, message-oriented middleware that delivers a distributed streaming platform
  • Apache Zookeeper, a service for powering distributed applications (used by Kafka)
  • Apache Camel, an integration library (used for integrating Db2 transactions with Kafka)

This project also requires an IBM i user profile and schema to be created of the same name, which the installation script will create. These are used by the DayTrader application.

IBM i component Installation

  • Installation requires that you have the yum ecosystem installed (see
  • You should run any documented commands in an SSH terminal session

Standard install (with Internet access)

First, install the kafka-ai-demo-installer RPM, which will ensure that any requisites are installed (Service Commander will need to be installed separately, as shown below)

yum install

That RPM will place the installer script at /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/Kafka-AI-Demo-installer/

There are several items you can customize about your installation through the use of the following environment variables:

  • INSTALLDIR: The installation directory (default: /QOpenSys/OCPDT_demo)
  • INSTALLSCHEMA: The schema to create for use by DayTrader. A user profile of the same name will be created. DO NOT USE a name for which an existing user profile exists!! (default: OCPDT)

For example, to install to /QOpenSys/ocp2, use schema OCP2, and create user profile OCP2, run the following command: INSTALLDIR=/QOpenSys/ocp2 INSTALLSCHEMA=OCP2 /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/Kafka-AI-Demo-installer/

When the install completes, it should provide you with output similar to the following, providing instructions on how to start/stop the demo and run Apache JMeter for stress testing :

   Demo has been installed to:
      Schema 'OCP2'
      Directory '/QOpenSys/ocp2'

   To start the demo, sign in as JGORZINS and run:
      /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/sc start group:aikafka
   To stop the demo, sign in as JGORZINS and run:
      /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/sc stop group:aikafka
   To stress test with Apache JMeter:
      /QOpenSys/ocp2/jmeter/bin/jmeter -n -t /QOpenSys/ocp2/daytrader7.jmx -JHOST= -JPORT=10200 -JTHREADS=10 -JDURATION=120 -l jmeter_log.txt

Offline install (without Internet access) -- WARNING: untested and unlikely to work!

First, download the following files and upload them to a directory on IBM i:

Then, cd to the directory where you have placed these RPMs and run the following commands to install them (you may need to also install other requisite RPMs):

yum install ./sc-0.4.1-0.ibmi7.2.ppc64.rpm
yum install ./kafka-ai-demo-installer-offline-0.0.1-0.ibmi7.2.ppc64.rpm

These RPMs will place the offline installer script at /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/Kafka-AI-Demo-installer/

There are several items you can customize about your installation through the use of the following environment variables:

  • INSTALLDIR: The installation directory
  • INSTALLSCHEMA: The schema to create for use by DayTrader
  • INSTALLUSER: The user profile to create for use by DayTrader

For example, to install to /QOpenSys/ocp2, use schema OCP2, and create user profile JESSE, run the following command: INSTALLDIR=/QOpenSys/ocp2 INSTALLSCHEMA=OCP2 INSTALLUSER=JESSE /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData/Kafka-AI-Demo-installer/

When the install completes, it should provide you with output similar to the following, providing instructions on how to start/stop the demo and run Apache JMeter for stress testing :

   Demo has been installed to:
      Schema 'OCP2'
      Directory '/QOpenSys/ocp2'

   To start the demo, sign in as JGORZINS and run:
      /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/sc start group:aikafka
   To stop the demo, sign in as JGORZINS and run:
      /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/sc stop group:aikafka
   To stress test with Apache JMeter:
      /QOpenSys/ocp2/jmeter/bin/jmeter -n -t /QOpenSys/ocp2/daytrader7.jmx -JHOST= -JPORT=10200 -JTHREADS=10 -JDURATION=120 -l jmeter_log.txt

AI Component installation

See the README for the AI component