These scripts aim to download all the citation papers of one paper via selenium and Sci-Hub
NOTICE1: Due to the reCAPTCHA (Robot Check <- If you are a human) of Google Scholar backend, to avoid the CAPTCHA, we have to log in our Google Account first and then crawl the citation papers' links and titles.
NOTICE2: You may still need to check the reCAPTCHA for the first time!
Un-comment this line at first to check the reCAPTCHA, and then comment it.
$ cd ../../Applications/Google\
$ ./Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="~/ChromeProfile"
# The path of the Chrome Driver
driver_path = '/Users/shuyuej/.wdm/drivers/chromedriver/mac64/96.0.4664.45/chromedriver'
# Citation Path
citation_url_start = ''
citation_url_end = '&hl=en&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=2006&cites=17910156571874886383&scipsc='
num_citation = 208
- Change the Chrome Driver path to your own path
Un-comment this line to download the Chrome Driver
- Change the citation URL
- Change the number of citations your paper currently earned
NOTICE3: Although some paper links are overlapped, it's okay as all the citation papers are downloaded, if they are available at Sci-Hub.