CulebrONT release 2.0.0 is here !!! 🐍 🎉 🍺
🚀 This is a major release which break the compatibility with the code of the culebrONT 1.x versions
If a previous version was installed, please remove it after this new install ⚠️
New features 💄
📦 CulebrONT is now a python package, so install is easier by using pip3 install culebrONT
💡 CulebrONT uses click python library. It allows us high level command lines creation in this package !!!!
Major changes for the community ⚡
🚧 Reorder of full git repository in order to create PYPI package.
🎉 Easier installation, we improved local culebrONT install_local
and HPC installation culebrONT install_cluster
🎨 More flexibility to change version of tools by using culebrONT edit_tools
🐛 Fix bugs in some rules which was still run when "false" value was filling in config.yaml
🔒 Tools in containers/Singularity.culebront_tools.def
were upgraded
🙈 Data test was upgraded
Major changes for developers 🔥
♻️ Code was reorder to bring a generic module snakemakeAsModule
able to be reused in others snakemake projets.
🔧 Continuous integration of test by using tox
and gitlab-ci
Documentation 📌
- Update install procedure for local and HPC
- Update running workflow on local and HPC
- Add culebrONT full commands avail on API section
- Add expert mode to more parameters' workflow (tools, ressources, ...)