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julieaorjuela committed Jun 21, 2021
1 parent e68a261 commit 6e072d8
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Showing 60 changed files with 8,253 additions and 0 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions AdditionalScripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @package
# @author Francois Sabot

Controlling mapping data for a de novo assembly
:author: François Sabot (thanks to Julie Orjuela Scripts help)
:contact: [email protected]
:date: 04/04/2019
:version: 0.1
Script description
------------------ will take a BAM file issued from the mapping of Illumina data on a de novo assembly and try to catch the misassembled contigs based on local depth and local mapping errors
>>> -i mapping.bam -o outputPrefix [-s windowSize -t tempLocation]
Help Programm
information arguments:
- \-h, --help
show this help message and exit
- \-v, --version
display version number and exit
Input mandatory infos for running:
- \-i <filename>, --input <filename>
BAM file issued from mapping (must be indexed)
- \-o <filename>, --out <filename>
Prefix of output files
- \-s <windowSize>, --size <windowSize>
window scan size in bases (Optional, default 1000)
- \-t <tempLocation>, --size <tempLocation>
Location for temp file, default /tmp

## Modules
import sys, os, subprocess, re
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/"

## Python modules
import argparse
from time import localtime, strftime
import pysam
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Variables Globales

## Functions
def checkParameters (arg_list):
# Check input related options
if (not arg_list.inputFile):
print ('Error: No input file defined via option -i/--input !' + "\n")
if (not arg_list.outputPrefix):
print ('Error: No output prefix file defined via option -o/--output !' + "\n")

def relativeToAbsolutePath(relative):
from subprocess import check_output
if relative[0] != "/": # The relative path is a relative path, ie do not starts with /
command = "readlink -m "+relative
absolutePath = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode("utf-8").rstrip()
return absolutePath
else: # Relative is in fact an absolute path, send a warning
absolutePath = relative;
return absolutePath

def multicov(bedFile,bamFile,optionsList=("")):
optionsTxt = "".join(optionsList)
command = "bedtools multicov " + optionsTxt + " -bams " + bamFile + " -bed " + bedFile
#print (command)
optionsTxt = str(OptionsTxt)
resultCom = os.popen(command,"r")
except NameError:
resultCom = os.popen(command,"r")

hashCov = {}
for line in resultCom:
mainLine = line.strip()
fields = mainLine.split("\t")
start = int(fields[1])
stop = int(fields[2])
position = start + int(stop - start/2)
except KeyError:
hashCov[fields[0]] = [(position,int(fields[3]))]
return hashCov

## Main code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parameters recovery
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='''This Program identifies the misassemblies in contigs using BAM, and uses BedTools2''')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='You are using %(prog)s version: ' + version, help=\
'display version number and exit')
filesreq = parser.add_argument_group('Input mandatory infos for running')
filesreq.add_argument('-i', '--input', metavar="<filename>", required=True, dest = 'inputFile', help = 'vcf file')
filesreq.add_argument('-o', '--out', metavar="<filename>", required=True, dest = 'outputPrefix', help = 'Prefix for the output files')

parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', metavar="<sizeInBP>", required=False, default=1000, type=int, dest = 'windowSize', help = 'Window size for scanning')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--temp', metavar="<diskLocation>", required=False, default="/tmp", dest = 'tempLocation', help = 'Location of temp directory')

# Check parameters
args = parser.parse_args()

#Welcome message
print("# Welcome in controllingMapping (Version " + version + ") #")

#Window size for scanning
#Temp location

# From relative to absolute paths
inputFile = relativeToAbsolutePath(args.inputFile)
outputPrefix = relativeToAbsolutePath(args.outputPrefix)

#open output handle
outputFile = outputPrefix + "_position.csv"
outputHandle = open(outputFile, "w")

#Temp bed opening
tempBed = tempLocation + "/temp.bed"
tempHandle = open(tempBed, "w")

#PySam import
bamFile = pysam.AlignmentFile(inputFile,"rb");

#Picking up infos on sequences
seqInfo = {a:b for a,b in zip(names,sizes)}

for seq in seqInfo.keys():
for window in range(1,seqInfo[seq],windowSize):
start = str(window)
stop = window + windowSize
if stop > seqInfo[seq]:
stop = seqInfo[seq]
stop = str(stop)
tempHandle.write(seq + "\t" + start + "\t" + stop + "\n")

depthTotal = multicov(tempBed, inputFile)
options = ("-p")
depthOk = multicov(tempBed, inputFile, options)

#Creating the dataframe
for contigs in depthTotal.keys():
depthInfo={a:b for a,b in depthTotal[contigs]}
okInfo={a:b for a,b in depthOk[contigs]}
for position in depthInfo.keys():
df =pd.DataFrame.from_dict(globalInfo, orient='index',columns=['Depth','Ok'])
df = df.sort_index()
somme = df['Depth'].sum()
if somme > 0:
ax = plt.gca()
df.plot(kind='line',y='Depth', ax=ax,title=contigs)
filename = contigs + ".png"

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions AdditionalScripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import argparse
from Bio.SeqIO.FastaIO import SimpleFastaParser

split a genome into a set of overlapping segments
adapted from to CulebrONT
# DRAFT = snakemake.input.draft
# SEGMENT_LENGTH = snakemake.params.segment_len if not snakemake.params.segment_len == '' else 50000
# OVERLAP_LENGTH = snakemake.params.overlap_len if not snakemake.params.overlap_len == '' else 200
# OUTPUTFILE = snakemake.output.segments_list

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Partition a genome into a set of overlapping segments')
parser.add_argument('--draft', help="draft to segment")
parser.add_argument('--segment-length', type=int, default=50000)
parser.add_argument('--overlap-length', type=int, default=200)
parser.add_argument('--output-file', help="output file")
args = parser.parse_args()

DRAFT = args.draft
SEGMENT_LENGTH = args.segment_length
OVERLAP_LENGTH = args.overlap_length
OUTPUT_FILE = args.output_file

with open(DRAFT, "r") as draft:
recs = [(title.split(None, 1)[0], len(seq))
for title, seq in SimpleFastaParser(draft)]

with open(OUTPUT_FILE, "w") as output:
for name, length in recs:
n_segments = (length / SEGMENT_LENGTH) + 1
start = 0
while start < length:
end = start + SEGMENT_LENGTH
# If this segment will end near the end of the contig, extend it to end
if length - end < MIN_SEGMENT_LENGTH:
start = length
nlen = end + OVERLAP_LENGTH
start = end
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions AdditionalScripts/rotateCircSeqs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@

## Read Fasta file of a circular sequence, rotate it,
## and save the resulting sequences in a new fasta file.

#### Loading required packages #####

option_list <- list(
make_option(c("-f", "--seqFile"),
type = "character",
default = NULL,
help = "Path of fasta file of seqences to be rotated."),
make_option(c("-o", "--outFilePath"),
type = "character",
default = NULL,
help = "Path where output sequence file will be written."),
make_option(c("-d", "--circlatorLog"),
type = "character",
default = NULL,
help = "Path to a circlator '04.merge.circularise.log' file to be use to rotate only circularized sequences.")

##### RETRIEVEING PARAMS from optparse #####
myArgs <- parse_args(
OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options]", option_list = option_list,
description = "Rotate sequences in an input fasta file. Sequences will be rotated if the sequence title contains a 'circular' flag, they will be rotated and their title will be appended with a 'rotated' suffix. If a circlator.log file is provided and no info is available in the titles, the sequences described as circular in the log file will be rotated and their title will be appended with a 'circular|rotated' suffix. Sequences that do not meet these criteria are left untouched.")

# testArgs <- c(
# "--seqFile=/home/cunnac/Lab-Related/MyScripts/pacbacpipe/tests/tagCirSeq/talCmut_canu/06.fixstartcircFlagged.fasta",
# "--outFilePath=/home/cunnac/rotateSeqTest.fasta",
# "--circlatorLog=/home/cunnac/Lab-Related/MyScripts/pacbacpipe/tests/tagCirSeq/talCmut_canu/04.merge.circularise.log"
# )
# myArgs <- parse_args(OptionParser(usage = "%prog", option_list = option_list), args = testArgs)

# Assign parameter values
seqFile <- myArgs$seqFile
outSeqFile <- myArgs$outFilePath
if(is.null(outSeqFile)) outSeqFile <- paste0(gsub("(^.*)\\..*$", "\\1", seqFile), "_rotated.fasta")
circlatorLog <- myArgs$circlatorLog
circLogProvided <- ifelse(is.null(circlatorLog) || circlatorLog == "", FALSE, TRUE)

# This is the number by which seq lenght is devided to determine length of offset
n <- 5

# Loading sequences and determining if any is flagged as circular
seq <- readDNAStringSet(seqFile) #seq <- DNAStringSet(c("AAATTTGGGCCCNNN", "AAAATTTTCCCC"))
circularInName <- grepl("circular", names(seq), = TRUE)

if (circLogProvided && any(circularInName)) { # if log and flagged seq, sanity check on names
circlatorDf <- read.delim(circlatorLog, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
seqNamePrefixes <- sapply(names(seq), function(x) {strsplit(x, split = "[_ ]")[[1]][1]})
circNamePrefixes <- sapply(circlatorDf$X.Contig, function(x) {strsplit(x, split = "[_ ]")[[1]][1]})
if(!identical(length(setdiff(seqNamePrefixes, circNamePrefixes)), 0L)) {
stop("Sequence names in sequence file and circlatorLog do not match:\n",
"Names in fasta file: ", names(seqNamePrefixes), "\n",
"Names in circlator log: ", names(circNamePrefixes), "\n")
} else {
cat("## Provided a circlator log file and sequences in fasta file are also otherwise flagged as circular...\n",
"## Circular flags in fasta sequence titles will prevail to select sequences that are rotated.", sep = "")

# Deciding on what will be rotated
if (any(circularInName)) { # if some seqs have 'circular' in their name, flagged seq prevails regardless of log
circSeq <- seq[circularInName]
linearSeq <- seq[!circularInName]
} else if (circLogProvided && !any(circularInName)) { # if log and no flagged seq, log prevails
circlatorDf <- read.delim(circlatorLog, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
circSeq <- seq[circlatorDf[circlatorDf$circularised == 1, "X.Contig"]]
linearSeq <- seq[circlatorDf[circlatorDf$circularised == 0, "X.Contig"]]
} else { # No seqs will be rotated!!!
warning("No 'circular' hit in sequence names and no circlatorLog file provided either, NONE of the sequences will be rotated!!!!.")
circSeq <- DNAStringSet()
linearSeq <- seq

# Rotating circular sequences
newCircSeq <- DNAStringSet(
sapply(X = circSeq, FUN = function(x) {
seqLength <- nchar(x)
newStartPos <- round(seqLength/n)
c(subseq(x, start = newStartPos, end = seqLength), subseq(x, end = newStartPos-1, width = newStartPos-1))
# Modify names of rotated circular sequences if necessary
if (length(circSeq) != 0) {
names(newCircSeq) <- if (any(circularInName)) {
paste(names(newCircSeq), "rotated", sep = "_")
} else if (circLogProvided && !any(circularInName)) {
paste(names(newCircSeq), "circular_rotated", sep = "_")
# Building output seq set
newSeq <- c(linearSeq, newCircSeq)

# Sanity check
if(!identical(length(setdiff(nchar(seq), nchar(newSeq))), 0L)) stop("Rotated sequence has a different length than the original one!")
# Save output
writeXStringSet(x = newSeq, filepath = outSeqFile, compress = FALSE)

# Log messages
summaryDf <- data.frame(
seqNames = names(newSeq),
seqLength = nchar(newSeq),
StartAtFormerPosition = round(nchar(newSeq)/n)
if (!circLogProvided & !any(circularInName)) {
cat("##", date(), ": No 'circular' hit in sequence names and no circlatorLog file provided either, NOTHING has been rotated!!!!")
print(knitr::kable(summaryDf[, c("seqNames", "seqLength")]))
} else if (length(circSeq) != 0) {
cat("##", date(), ": Summary of circular sequences rotation in '", seqFile, "' :")
} else {
cat("##", date(), ": No 'circular' hit in sequence names and none of the sequences in '", seqFile, "' were specified as circular in circlatorLog file and nothing has been rotated!")
print(knitr::kable(summaryDf[, c("seqNames", "seqLength")]))
cat("All sequences saved in:", outSeqFile, "\n")

quit(save = "no")

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