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This directory contains scripts, run-time data, and a binary
dependency to produce the SMA radio observing forecast from NOAA
GFS forecast data.


Contains a copy of the 'am' radiative transfer program compiled
for the local system.  Documentation and installation
instructions for the latest version can be found on Zenodo at

and the latest version of the source code is at

Contains temporary run-time data files, and ephemeris data
associated with the skyfield library used by the script in the src directory.

Contains the master script, other scripts
that it calls upon, static data, and a script for generating the
miniconda environment under which these scripts run.

Installation and use

1. A user has been created or is available to run the forecast as
a cron job.

2. Conda or miniconda has been installed on the host machine.

3. A conda environment sma-met-forecast has been created using
the command:

  $ conda create --name sma-met-forecast --channel conda-forge \
  python=3.6 pygrib requests python-dateutil matplotlib numpy \
  pycairo skyfield jplephem sgp4

For convenience, this command is also in


4. The 'am' radiative transfer program has been compiled and
placed in ~/sma-met-forecast/bin as noted above.  If 'am' is
already installed elsewhere on the system, an alternative to
placing a copy of the binary file there is to edit the line

  export AM=~/sma-met-forecast/bin/am

in to point to the installed copy of 'am'.

1. Edit the shell variable assignments in
as needed to establish the observatory name, site location, site
time zone, and directory paths as needed.

2. Set up a cron job under the user account mentioned above to
run the master script once every 6 hours.  Optimally, this should
be done soon after each new GFS forecast becomes available.  The
forecasts are run for analysis times of 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00
UT.  As of March 2021, a given forecast becomes available around
5.1 hours after the analysis time, so in,
the variable GFS_PRODUCTION_LAG is set to 5.2 hours.  The cron
job should be triggered soon after.  For example, for Hawaii,
which is 10 hours behind UT, a suitable user crontab entry is

15 1,7,13,19 * * * timeout 21600 /application/src/sma-met-forecast/src/

to run the job at 1:15, 7:15, 13:15, 19:15 HST, corresponding to
running at 11:15, 17:15, 23:15, 5:15 UT, to retrieve the GFS
forecasts for 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 0:00, respectively.  Note that
the forecast job is run using the timeout command, with the
timeout set to 21600 s (6 hours).  This prevents multiple jobs
interfering with one another if for some reason a job becomes
stalled.  (Normally, the job takes about 40 minutes to complete,
limited by the typical NOAA server download queue length.)  If a
job fails by timing out or for some other reason such as a server
or network outage, the script will attempt to reconstruct any
incomplete or missing forecasts from the prior 48 hours.

3. With the cron job installed, a new site forecast table, and
updated 120-hour and 384-hour forecast plots will appear every 6
hours in SITE_FCAST_DIR, in subdirectories named by year.
Forecast plots will appear in SITE_FCAST_PLOT_DIR, overwriting
the previous plot.


SMA met forecast generation scripts and tools






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