A simple guide to cryto-currencies and their algos.
There are many algorithms used in many different crytpocurrencies. This documentument serves to provide a simple map to reference which are for what.
- Scrypt (Litecoin / LTC)
- SHA256 (Bitcoin / BTC)
- ScryptNF
- X11 (Dash / Darkcoin, Dashcoin, ASIC-Resistant)
- X13 (MaruCoin, CPU/GPU)
- Keccak
- X15
- Nist4
- NeoScrypt
- Lyra2RE (VertCoin / VTC)
- WhirlpoolX (Vanillacoin / VNL)
- Qubit (QuibitCoin / Q2C)
- Quark (QRK)
- Axiom (Axiom Coin / AXIOM)
- Lyra2REv2 (VertCoin / VTC)
- ScryptJaneNf16 (Diamond / DMD)
- Blake256r8 (Blake Coin / BLC)
- Blake256r14 (Blake Coin / BLC)
- Blake256r8vnl (Blake Coin / BLC)
- Hodl (HodlCoin / HODL)
- DaggerHashimoto (Ethereum / ETH)
- Decred (DCR)
- CryptoNight (XCN, CPU-only)
- Lbry (LBC)
- Equihash (Zcash / XEC)
- Pascal (PASC)
- X11Gost (SIBCoin, SIB)
- Sia (SC)
- Blake2s (NevaCoin, Netko Coin, Verge, TajCoin)
- Skunk (Signatum Coin / SIGT)