A Basic workflow with node js and MongoDB using Mongoose npm
API to list all users (Method:GET)
API to get an user's details (Method:GET)
API to create an user (Method:POST)
- http://localhost:3000/users
- submit user details in request body
API to update an user (Method:PUT)
API to an user (Method:DELETE)
1. Install node (version > 4.4.7)
2. Install mongo DB (Version > 2.6)
- git clone https://github.com/RamuRChenchaiah/mongodb-nodejs-crud.git
- cd mongodb-nodejs-crud
- npm install
- node bin/www (or) npm run start
- http://localhost:3000
- Invoke above APIs as needed from RestClient or your UI
npm install mocha -g
npm run test