The original intention of the project is to crawl and update vulnerabilities (including vulnerability name, vulnerability number, vulnerability POC link, vulnerability update time) in time, and call Vuln interface of shodan's API synchronously to acquire the corresponding assets IP in real time, and send the most regular mail every day. New vulnerabilities, and finally establish a vulnerability Threat Intelligence database, through real-time collection of data, real-time updates to the database, establish a search index, through the query of keywords, get the details of other vulnerabilities and related threats IP.
Current progress: real time crawling of vulnerabilities
Difficulty: Shodan's Vuln interface free channel has been closed.
Tasks: email alert, data access and search index
-----start python3
---Set up crawling task time cycle
----保存文件说明: 当前路径为程序演示执行路径,实际运行时将pipeline.py文件下的漏洞保存路径改为./vul-file/vul-today.json
---crawl result: