1.0 - April 02, 2018
Blake Gardiner for People in Need - [email protected]
- Reccomend to use a Python Conda environment. https://conda.io/docs/
- Python 3.4 or later
- Plugin 'untangle' - conda install untangle
- Plugin 'geopandas'- conda install geopandas http://geopandas.org/install.html#dependencies major pain setting up these environments....
This script assesses the JSON/XML response from Earth Networks weather output. By overlaying the 'Warning' polygon (if any) with Cambodian commune boundaries, we can identify at-risk communes within a stormfront area.
Uses GeoPandas open source library to avoid ESRI stack reliance.
- Ensure both datasets are the same cooridnate reference system, as geopandas does not support on the fly projection.
- The JSON response contains XML formatted data which is unusual.
- No subscription key currently, just reads storm data from the supplied json file. Module 'getResponse' is sourced from Earth Networks documentation but has not been tested.
- Some of the test JSON files have data not in the Cambodia area, therefore no overlap will exist. Use QGIS to visualize the outputs.