Windows executable under release
A detailed explaination is provided in thesis_efrSIM.pdf
3D View movement:
Page up: forward
Page down: backward
Arrow keys: left, right, up, down
Left click + Mouse movement: rotate view
STOP, START, RESET Buttons are on the lower left side.
As soon as simulation data is available, the red marker in the Big Chart can be used to scroll through the simulated time and specific moments can be displayed. After every simulation a .csv export containing every value is produced inside the progam folder "/efrSIM_output.csv". A double click on one of the left-sided charts will display the course of its value in the Big Chart.
Data View: Every Value available in the Data class is displayed here. They are all sorted into folders depending on their information group. While simulating, the folders should be closed, since drawing charts uses performance.
Parameter View: Every Parameter available in the Data class is displayed here. They can be changed with clicking on their values (keeping the mouse inside the number area) and confirm with ENTER. There are also Parameter for chart zoom and replay speed available.
The standard setting correspond the setup of the racecar LillE at the Formula Student Spain 2019 event.
The project can be downloaded on its GitHub page ( There also an download link for a compiled version is provided.
Qt version >= 5.15 (5.13 couldn't build). When your distribution doesn't ship a recent enough version, you have to download a more recent version from the Qt website.
Create a build directory
mkdir build
cd build
Call qmake on project file to automatically generate a Makefile
qmake ../
or something like this when you had to download from the Qt website:
~/Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64/bin/qmake ../
Call the Makefile
Mark as aexecutable
chmod +x efrSIM
Run executable